Chhajjuka Chaubara of Bharat Desai

In Hindi Chaubara is a place where people of village discuss the various subjects and chhajjus represents those people. However here all learned people are dicussing the important topics of the world in form of creative writing. I have given herein group photo of few members of 'Chhajjuka Chaubara.'

Saturday, February 03, 2007

My memories of freedom struggle
By Manilal Jagtap

The congress party was dominating during the freedom struggle. It had many good honest and sincere leaders.They had lot of consultation how to continue the freedom struggle? Besides that they use to have a frequent conferences to review and make further suggestions regarding future line of actions. The minimum program for common man was also use to be issues in those conferences.

The fiazpur congress was held in the year 1936 at a small village faizpur,Jalgona District, formerly known as a East Khandesh of Bombay state then and now the part of Maharashtra state.

The above session was very important for me as my father and the nearest relatives were involved in organizing the same. It was very important even from Indian point of view. It was a historical landmark for each and every khandeshi and they were proud of it. Besides that it will be cherished through out their life and time to come.

I am proud that my father and his uncle Daulat Seth who had made lot of efforts for organizing or holding the said congress meeting. They were not so big as congress leaders but their efforts were appreciable. Daulat Seth was from one of the richest families of that time. He treated his nephew as his own and taught him all lessons of every walk of life. He also tought that money should not be the only goal of life. He believed that love for the country and its freedom are also important. He had very high respect for our country and was ready to give any sacrifice for it. He helped poor people which had also inspired my father. He believed that to get the freedom the sacrifice have to be made by some people and if so than why not to start with our own self. It may also give inspiration to others to join in the freedom movements without any expectations.

Thereafter many joined in the freedom movements who known to my father and Daulat Seth. DhanjiNana Chaudhri was one of them, who had retired then from the police department. He worked sincerely for the people at local level and his services were also recognized by leadership. Besides that his son Madhukarrao Chaudhrui subsequently became minister in the Maharashtra government.

Devakinandan, Nazayan, Bhagwan Soma, Namichand Jangeda, Sane Guruji were the leading leaders then. Each one of them had contributed in different fields and in politics.

Dhanji Nana, My father and Daulat Seth along with other local leaders decided to make request to the national leaders to hold annual session of congress at Faizpur. The honest hard work and collective efforts brought positive results. The Session was hold at faizpure and all national leaders like Jawaherlal Nehru, Vallabhbhai Patel, Morarjibhai Desai, Dr Radhakrishnan, Maulana Azad, along with other leaders attended the session. The father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi was a chief attraction.

The conference was the reflection of whole nation then. The people assured all leaders that they shall observe satya graha and Non violence in their struggle. In short whole country was behind the leadership. Besides that many resolutions were passed with firm goal of freedom for the country. The people's morale was very high.

Maulana Azad and Jawaherlal nehru gave more importance to education and suggested to improve school education and also emphasis on adult education. The proclamation of improving the education received tremendous response in the Jalgoan District then. The result of which many private high schools were opened along with colleges. It enlightened people and subsequently district prospered very well. Besides that it was also discussed regarding how to further develop art ,culture and condition of poor people of India. Morarji desai also supported and suggested economic measures to improve the economical conditions of people.

Faizpur is located near Satpura mountains ranges and very near to the wold famous Ellora and Ajanta caves. Sarvapalli Radhakrishna, a philosopher, and thinker also made passing references regarding Ajanta and Ellora. He said that" The art of kailas temple at Ellora and the art at Ajanta are the requisite specimen of Indian art of the Brahmanical period and of Buddha period standing through the centuries,paying homage to givers of genius. The art is the glaring glory of our mother India." He appealed that 'when our forefather could built such a peaceful houses,then why we cannot built the shanti temple of freedom for all of us, and show the rest of the world, the way to achieve it. So let us fight with peace and non-violence"

Sane guruji, Vinoba Bhave had also played vital role in freedom struggle latter on. Sane guruji has made considerable and marking contribution in the literature. Vinoba Bhave also started famous 'Bhoodan movement' successfully. The faizpure congress became the instrument for changing the life of many leaders and they contributed physically, and materially for the people and the country. It also deeply rooted the spirit of patriotism among the people.

My father and uncle Daulat Shet, had also helped to open Mulji Jetha College at Jalgoan. They had also done lot of public work for the people. I am proud of my father who is remembered to-day even for his good work. He is also remembered for the efforts he had made during the faizpur session of the congress. I believe all good things you find in me is a gift from my elders.
(writer is a poet and Musician)



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