Chhajjuka Chaubara of Bharat Desai

In Hindi Chaubara is a place where people of village discuss the various subjects and chhajjus represents those people. However here all learned people are dicussing the important topics of the world in form of creative writing. I have given herein group photo of few members of 'Chhajjuka Chaubara.'

Thursday, January 04, 2007





Mary is our neighbor. Her 50Th anniversary was going to be celebrated at some lively and wonderful place. Her daughter requested us to write about the couple some memories that we had about them. It was ofcourse a surprise party celebration.

Mary is curious, caring and comfort giving neighbor. If we wait out side our gate for our 'Outreach' ride or for some friend's ride she would immediately notice it if if she is in her front yard. She would at once rush towards us and inquire the reason for our being outside at the gate. she would very affectionately offer us ride.

She would talk with our granddaughters and guide them with utmost care and confidence. The children also loved to talk and chat with her freely. She is very clever to deal with children. she would very affectionately explain their mistakes. she is very prompt to read their mind.

Once our artist niece visited us from India, unfortunately, she fell sick. we had to call 911. Van was at our door, and Mary rushed out of home. she was very much worried and concerned about the niece. she offered her help and comforted us all.

Her husband always cared for us with smiling face. He used to place our scattered newspapers very carefully, silently and neatly in our compound. He was on very high post in the 'Navy'. He worked during the world war second. He very heroically crossed some part of the big ocean. He is very tall and handsome person.

Once at the opposite side of our home some construction work was going on and laborer were constantly working on the site. My nephew gave us ride and we had to rush to the Bank. Unfortunately, my husband forgot his Sachel out side the car and it was stolen. Mary was very much worried. She immediately suggested to call the policeman.

Some day back my daughter had some medical trouble and we had to call 911. Mary and her daughter came to our compound. Her daughter accompanied my daughter to the Hospital. she was the great comfort to all of us.

Recently my husband is suffering from mild paralytic stroke. Mary noticed him from her second floor window, when he was entering the compound of our home. She noticed him little imbalanced and shaky. She rushed down from her home. However fortunately he could control himself at that time and walked safely to our cottage.

The affectionate couple generates a sense of confidence in the neighborhood. As their elastic and vigorous thoughts keep with the sun 'The day for them is a perpetual morning.'

We all know about the biblical story of the good Samaritan' who is your neighbor?' the answer is the person who helps you in your need irrespective of his residence and relationship and who is even stranger to you. Here in the case of Mary, she is our neighbor and a good Samaritan.

(She is a writer, poet and deep thinker.)



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