Chhajjuka Chaubara of Bharat Desai

In Hindi Chaubara is a place where people of village discuss the various subjects and chhajjus represents those people. However here all learned people are dicussing the important topics of the world in form of creative writing. I have given herein group photo of few members of 'Chhajjuka Chaubara.'

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Of the many legends that revolve around Rome the one that is most popular and frequently heard of is that tome was not built in a day. Truly no such myth abounds about ICC (formerly ICSC), under whose umbrella we Indian-American seniors conduct multifarious activities. Even sonot many of our members have a clear idea as to how ICC came into existence and how Chhajju ka Chaubara, one of ICC,s programs has gained country-wide popularity. I have been associated with it since its birth as also with the machinations and artifacts that have contributed towards its progress and on request wrote this for India Post.
Twelve years ago, I recall, in February 1994 I received a telephonic call inviting us-my husband and myself to a monthly meeting on the second Saturday of the month at 11 Sandipani in San Jose. This was a pleasant and welcome surprise for we were away from our hectic life in New Delhi, unknown in California leading a reclusive life of course among our immediate family. I accepted the invitation with profuse thanks to the gentleman Mr. Arya Bhushan. (Later we learnt that he was elder brother of Mr. Shanti Bhushan, Senior Advocate colleague of ours at the bar of the Supreme Court of India.
On the appointed day we reached Sandipani. At the Registration desk we met Mr.Arya Bhushan. He led us in the where some 60 to 70 persons were waiting for the meeting to start. The meeting was at this time called to order and we heard an announcement that Mr. H.N.Verma was to be the day’s Chief Guest.

The idea of holding monthly meetings of Indo-Americans of the Bay Area was floated by matra, daughter of Mr.Harikrishna Majmundar and Prem Lata Behn. In 1994 the Bay Area did not have many Indians as of now and a new comer looked forward to meeting his compatriots. The meeting provided an opportunity to discuss common problems and experiences of the community. After the meeting the lunch brought by three-four families was served. We decided to participate in future in the meetings of the groupfor we felt as lawyers we contribute our mite to the community’s welfare. We continued join the assembly and other activities, including picnic which was an annual feature.
As time passed the group became large and larger, the space in the Sandipani was found short, the venue was temporarily shifted to the premises of the Hindu Temple at 450, Persian Drive, Sunnyvale. It was here that the idea of creative writing was mooted by Mr. Arya Bhushan, .Mr. Marathe, PremLata Behn, Mr. Pradeep Joshi who was managing the senior center in the Temple and we Vermas supported it. The group widened its scope and added Yoga, computer and English coaching classes, Table Tennis, Bridge, devotional music and lectures by eminent invitees. The activities had developed fast and a need was felt for a larger space for the Center’s secular activities. A formal management board came up with Mrs. Lata Patel as President and Mrs. Judith as Secretary. With continuing efforts of the members and donations the fund position also became comfortable. The TiE made space available at 3065, Democracy Way and United Ways gave assistance. It was in those premises that Creative Writing was named Chajju ka Chaubara by Mr. Arya Bhushan and Shambhu Raogave the Center a broad outlook and added several
New activities.
Twelve years ago at times there were not even eight members to participate in group activities. I recall a meeting which was attended by only two members, Mrs. Prolmla desai and myself. After saying the prayer we too left. New activities like FOSWL and Current Events have given the ICC an intellectual flair.
There is an adage “Jo Sukh Chajju ke Chaubare Wo Na Bulkh Na Bukh” which means even outstanding places do not offer the pleasure that the Chaubara does. In spite of its chatter ,the Chaubara has all the urbanity that literary pursuit calls for. It meets every Wednesday from 11 A.M. to 1 which members actively participate. Members represent practically every part of India. A member is given 1o minutes time for his \ her presentation. The forum is also utilized for announcement of members’ interests. They also share the latest news about events in U.S. , India and elsewhere. After the meeting is over, members can join the subsidized lunch.
(Writer have many book at her credit.)


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