Chhajjuka Chaubara of Bharat Desai

In Hindi Chaubara is a place where people of village discuss the various subjects and chhajjus represents those people. However here all learned people are dicussing the important topics of the world in form of creative writing. I have given herein group photo of few members of 'Chhajjuka Chaubara.'

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

(Talk given by Bharat Desai on 14th September 09, i.e. at 114 TH session of 'Friends On Same Wavelength, at India Community Center,Cupertino,California)
The Barbarian age and the absence of literature
It was a time when human race was Barbarian and they were eating any thing that come across. They were wandering places to places without any home. It was a time of anarchy, lawlessness and total brutal life. There was indiscipline in their lives. Besides that they were at the mercy of monstrous animals. Human folks were hunting less but animals were hunting them more. It was life without security and uncertainty. It was life without with out social laws and political structure. They were not knowing proper languages, and ignorant of writing system.
They started putting their ideas on Graves, Stones and on the Leaves. The invention of writing and printing system created literatures. It was a beginning of civilized life and civilization.
The Birth of Civilizations and rise of literature
There are so many ancient civilizations in the world. The Sumerian civilized life was the first to discover writing system through archaeology. The Babylonian civilization (i.e. About in 23rd to 24th centuries BC) borrowed the writing system from Sumerian in order to further develop their literary system. They use the writing for furtherance of their mythological and scientific system. In the process they further developed their writing methods. There was also another ancient ' Egyptian Civilization' (i.e. About in 31 St century BC) in the Egypt which was also very much on advance stage. It was known as pharonic culture. You can find their literature in pyramids, on royal tombs and in form of text on pyramid coffins. However the Egyptians were much advanced through writing system in the field of mathematics, irrigation, trade, medicine and religious matters.
However in western side there was not much development but they borrowed some of the system from well-developed Civilizations. We are also aware that Indian vaidic civilization is also very ancient (i.e. About three to five thousand years old). The literatures were mainly developed in two major languages of world i.e. Sanskrit and Latin. It is said they are sister languages as so many words are similar in both the languages, i.e. Pitru/Father and Matru/Mother. The Sanskrit literature is very rich, as it was a language of Rushis who were writers/poets/scientists/doctors/philosophers/and religious leaders. They were passing on the literatures orally to their students until the writing system was invented.
The Main Languages of the World and relative literature
The Latin language was also spoken in the Roman Republic. The laws of ‘Twelve Tables’ in Latin were responsible for creating the structure of Republic. The four Vedas (i.e.Rugveda, Yajurveda, Samveda and Athrvaveda) and 108 Upanishads were Oral literature in Sanskrit. However they were latter on put in writing. It helped and inspired Indian civilized society to create concrete social and political system. It also invented the world ‘Om’, which created cosmic vibration regarding existence of God in all living.
The Contribution of writers of the world
(1) Western Literature
If you go to the Roman period you will find lot of literature on democracy, culture and sex. Roman was mighty empire and they moved from Europe to Egypt. Even Greece Emperor Alexander the Great came up to India. They acquired lot of knowledge from the countries, which they invaded and conquered. The said knowledge was put on the papers. Julius Caesar sent lot of dispatches from battlefield, which ultimately became literary pieces. He sent dispatches under title' De-Belle Alexandrine' from Egypt and' De-Belle' Africa' respectively. However majority of his work was lost. Cicero a writer spoke very highly of Caesar's literary work. Caesar was for political and social reforms. He wanted have law for redistribution of land for poor. He was for prosecuting politicians for political crimes.
However he was killed on account of high level political conspiracy.
The Socrates and Plato were the great philosophers and writers of Greece. They inspired lot of changes in the social and political life of the Greece. Plato was between 427 to 347 BC. He differed with Socrates. Plato defines the structure of society. He was for knowledge and truth. Plato also defined the rule for productive worker, protective warrior and governing ruler.
The French author Victor Marie Hugo inspired the political and social revolutions. Victor Hugo( (1802-1885) was a writer,poet, play writer. His book 'Les Miserable' and 'Ninety Three' are still popular. He was for social justice. He opposed death penalty. He all the while propagated for republicanism, freedom of speech and human right. He witnesses the French revolution from child hood and rice and fall of many republics. He was forced exile during the time of Napoleon-3. It shows that his writing had lot of influence on the French revolutions (i.e. 1848 and 1870). The French philosopher Zoe Zak Russo had also made tremendous effect on social and political changes in France. Those revolutionary French writers inspired the French revolution. Thus France became the mother of revolutions in Europe then.
Writing of the Karl Marks inspired the Russian revolution. Karl Marks was against private wealth and Capitalism. He wanted that all wealth in any form should be controlled by the state. The Russian Masses were then exploited by tyrant regime of king zaar and others. It accelerated the Russian revolution. However Karl marks social and political philosophies were main bases for Communist revolution in the Russia. Besides that Leo Tolstoy, (1828 TO1910) and Boris Pasternaak are the well-known authors of Russia. 'Dr Zhivago' novel written by Boris Pastrnaak was band by Russian government thinking that it will make adverse effect on its regime. Mahatma Gandhi considered Russian writer Leo Tolstoy as his guru. His writing impressed Gandhiji. He use to do correspondence with Tolstoy. He established Tolstoy farm in the South Africa on line of Tolstoy philosophy. His novels 'Ena Karenina ', 'How much land does man requires’ and 'War and Peace', are
world known piece of literature. He wrote on family. Social Justice, War and regarding Selfless Public Service. Leo Tolstoy’s writing had tremendous impact on the masses of Russia.
The German writer, poet, dramatist, philosopher Johann Wolf Gang Goethe was very defiant against authority. His writings were very effective in the German Society. His philosophical approaches on certain subjects were very impressive. He said' Enjoy when you can and endure when you must.' He believed divide and rules a sound motto, but unite and lead a better one'. He was also fond of natural science and he had written one book title 'The theory of color'
England has also produced outstanding writers, poets, and dramatist like Thomas Hardy, William Faulkner, Charles Dickens and William Shakespeare. Besides that Shakespeare (1564-1616) had influence on many writers. Shakespeare is known as a tragedy king. He was not only writer but also poet, actor and play writer. The 'Hamlet' 'Mecbeth' and 'King Lear’ is his well-known books. One of the writers Ban Johnson said' Shakespeare was not of the age but for all time'. He wrote on History, Comedy, Tragedy, and Romance. He also inspired painters. His philosophy was 'All the world is stage and all the men and women merely players.' In his play 'As you like it' Shakespeare wrote 'They have their exits and their entrances and one man in his time plays many parts.' Barnard Show also contributed lot as a Play writer. All those British writers left their impact on the British Society and people at large.
The American history of literature is 150 to 200 years. The French writings regarding human right, freedom and liberty inspired Americans. We are well aware that the inspiration of American freedom struggle was up to some extent from French revolution. The France also presented ‘The Statue of Liberty’ at New York. The Abraham Lincoln's campaign for abolition of slavery was outcome of his noble view of human right. His famous speech at Gettysburg has become one of the inspiring pieces of literature. Quote" Four score and seven years ago our forefather brought on this continent a new nation conceived in liberty with proposition that all men are created equal." Besides that we had Modern American authors like Ernest Hemingway(1899-1961). His books titled 'The sun also rises', 'For whom the Bell Tolls', 'Old man and the Sea' are well known novels. His one of the novels ' Old man and the Sea' received Noble Prize. He wrote about love, and realities of
life. He often said' first one must endure.' Therefore it was said regarding Hemingway that' He was timeless hence really endures'. Mark Twain (1835-1910) was a great writer, lecturer, humorist and essayist. His books' The adventure of Tom Sawyer', 'The life on the Mississippi' are well known. He was against injustice, slavery, and violence. He also disliked racist attitudes. All those American writers had tremendous influence on the social and political changes in America.
Chines literature and its effect on South East Asia
Chine’s civilization is also very old. Besides that china have at it credits the invention of Explosive, Currency, and Printing System. The Confucian literature is very rich in wisdom, and philosophy. It has made china more ethical and also helped to develop philosophical system. It encouraged the education and moral developments in China. Besides that it helped to increase morality and right of action. 'The great learning', 'the doctrine of ten mean', 'The Analects of Confucius', and 'The Mencius,' are the great literary creations of Confucius. The work of Confucius had its effect on allover South East Asia including, Japan, Korea Taiwan, Singapore and Vietnam.
Indian Writers
Ancient Indian Literature
The word Veda means knowledge. Vedas are very ancient literature, which were recited in Sanskrit and latter on put in writing. However Upanishads are considered to be the older then Vedas. The Upanishad means teaching meant for mankind. There are 108 Upanishads, which teaches the basic of Vedanta'. The invention of word 'Om' is the greatest gift to the world. The 'Om' is cosmic and vibrant which gives message that 'God is in all living'. There are four Vedas on different subjects, which created the structure of the Hindu Society. Rudveda is mostly connected with prayers to various Deities while Yajurveda is connected with Rituals. The Samveda leads you to knowledge while Atharvaveda give secret knowledge pertain to the Spirit including regarding 'Life after Death'. In short all Vedas covers most of the subjects regarding the civilized life. Therefore all Vedas are at the foundation of Social and Political life of India.
The Valmiki 'Ramayana 'and 'Tulsidas Ramayana' are the great Epics written regarding ideal ruler, rule and people. Tulsidas wrote his Ramayana in rural Hindi spoken by masses while Valmiki 'Ramayana' is in Sanskrit which has taken philosophy from Vedas and Upanishads. Rama is being considered as a God as Valmiki has created character of Rama as one of the perfect human beings. Ved Vyas wrote ‘Mahabharata’, which also was inspired from Vedas, which shows actual day to day problems faced by people and solution thereof. Krishna character teaches most practical ways to face the evil in this world. Ramayana and Mahabharata have made tremendous effect on Indian society.
The Kalidas 'Raghuvansha, and 'Megduta', are in Sanskrit, which are the finest pieces of literature. It is being very much admired by the Indian Society.
Great Rushi Valsyana wrote the ‘Kamsutra’, which throws light on the knowledge of sex.
However Kautiya's ‘Chanakya Niti' is in Sanskrit which is full of wisdom. Chankya i.e. Kautilya was a Prime Minister of Chandra Gupta Mourya. His advises on the various subjects are taken as a most valuable by the Indian Society. I quote her below few interesting advises of the Chanakya.
1) ' Ego is the Greatest Enemy'
2) 'Nobody can steal your knowledge and education'
3) 'He is great who does good to all'
4) 'Every work has to be done in time'
5)'It is not possible to change the nature of the person as it comes with the birth'
6) 'The education is the wealth of poor'
Besides that Aadi Sankracharya was a great scholar who save the Hinduism and Hindu society from the attack of Buddhist philosophy. His literary work had inspired then the dying Hindi philosophy. He died at very young age but left tremendous impact on Hindu society.
The literature of Saints likes Kabir and Guru Nanak
Kabir and Guru Nanak had also written so much that it had given lot of strength to the Indian society. They brought social reforms. Kabir was a very practical poet and his Doha became very popular among Indian masses. He taught to respect all religions. He gave practical advises through his literary work. Guru Nanak founder of Sikh religion was inspired from Hindu and Muslim philosophies. He was for unity of all religions.
The literature in Indian languages
Bengali Literature
Bengali writer and social reformer like Rammohan Rai fought against the old traditions of Indian society. He supported the widow upliftment in the Indian society.
Ravindranath Tagore, who received Noble prize for his book ‘Gitanjali’, wrote mainly on nationalism. He also wrote 8 novels and folk songs. Besides that he established ' Visva Bharati University'. He was against orthodox thinking and way of life. He made each Indian to be proud of being Indian.
Sharad Chandra Chattopadhyay who wrote famous Bengali novels like 'Devdas', 'Parnita and others. He described in his books the wrong prevailing traditions in the society. He also wrote for the cause of women, and about the evil of superstition in the society. He also wrote on Hindu Muslim problem.
Hindi Literature
Munshi Premchand and Maithalisaran Gupta are the Hindi writers who enriched the Hindi literature. ‘Godan’ and 'Shatranjke Kheladi' are the famous novels of Munshiji. Munshiji also wrote on the issues of Communalism, Corruption, Zamindari, Dalit and on the Colonial oppression.
Tamil Literature
Subramania Bharathi (1882-1921) was a great nationalist writer of Tamilnadu. He wrote 'Kannan Paattu’ (Songs of Krishna), Panchali Sapatham, (Draupadi Vaw). He had his own style in Tamil literature. Besides that he was a freedom fighter with mass appeal. He was reformer, philosopher, and journalist. He made tremendous impact on the society to bring desired reforms.
Telugu Literature
Gurjada Venkata Apparao (1862-1915) was a great writer, poet, and dramatist in Telugu literature. His first drama in Telugu was 'Kanyasulkam' which became popular. He was social worker and reformer.
Kannada Literature
The Kannada writer Udupi Rajagopalacharya Ananthamurthy was given Jan pith award in 1994 for his literary work. His book titles 'Sanskara','Bhava Avasthe' are well-known. He wrote on bureaucrats dealing with politics, and on the insight of the Indian and western philosophy. He also described how Brahmin's are facing problems in Karnatak due to changes and challenges. In short he wanted to draw the attention of society regarding social changes.
Malayalam Literature
Malayalam literature of kerala is very rich. In the 12th century father of the Malayalam language Thunchaththu Raenanujan wrote his commentary on Chanakya Arthasasatra. C V Raman Pillai (1858-1922) wrote many social novels on prevailing conditions in Kerala. He wrote drama creating unforgettable epics. He was basically community worker to bring changes in the society. This is only to show those writers are generally reformers by nature.
Marathi Literature
There are many saints and writer who had made Marathi language rich. Dnyaneshwar commentary in Marathi on Bagavat Gita is unique in nature. Tukaram also enriched Marathi language with message. Lokmanya Tilak with his writing created a feeling in the heart of every Indians that 'Swarajya is their Birth Right'.
Jotiba Govindrao Phule (1827-1890) through his writing tried his best to bring social changes.
P K Atre had through his writings thrown lot of satire on society and politics.
Sane Guruji book 'Shyam chi Aai' is very popular book in the child literature.
V S Khandekar (1898-1976) was one of the very prominent writers in the Marathi language. His novels 'kanchan Murg', 'Sukhacha Shodh' 'Chhaya', Pardeshi are very popular with mass appeal.
Gujarati Literature
Several writers enriched the Gujarati literature. It always kept the Gujarat on the fore front of all social and political movements, including Independence movement of India. Some of the eminent Gujarati writers once opposed Mahatma Gandhi when he was contesting the Presidentship of Gujarati Sahitya Parishad. It shows the high stature of those writers then.

Hemchandraacharya was a great writer, philosopher and Thinker. He inspired Mahatma Gandhi.
Narsi Mehta and, Mirabai have written many devotional songs and poems. Their Bhakti Geets are sang every where in Gujarat. Narshi Mehta's 'Vaishnav Jana To Ene Kahie' has inter nationally become famous.
Goverdhanram Tripathy's 'Saraswatichandra' is very popular novel in Gujarati. Besides that the descriptive materials of the said novel are one of the best pieces of literature.
Narmad was one of the greatest nationalist writers of Gujarat. Mahatma Gandhi also contributed in Gujarati literature through his Books i.e.His Autobiography, and his views on Various Subjects. Gandhi movement had brought lot of nationalist and reformist literature in Gujarat.
Javerchand Meghani, Kaniyalal Munshi and Ramanlal Vasantlal Desai's writings were the outcome of the Independence Movement. Javechand Megani had written several songs on nationalism which had inspired the Gujarati Youth then. Kaniyalal Munshi who was a founder of ' Bhartiya Vidya Bhaven' an internationally known educational, and cultural organization. He wrote several novels like' Gujarat No Nath' 'Pruthvi Vallabh' etc. He tried to remind Gujarati people regarding their past glory. There were writer like Panalal Patel who tried to flash the Rural Life of Gujarat through his novels 'Malela Jiv' and' Manvini Bhavai'. He was one of the 'Janpith award winner writers.
I have tried to explained by quoting the work of few writers from the various literature in order to show that how they have been instrumental in the social and political changes of the world.

MY Literary Contribution and messages thereon
I have at my credit 18 books in literature including two books in English. I have written novels, short stories, poems, touring experiences and biography. However I choose to write on the various subjects, which bothers common men and society as whole.
My books in English
My first book in English Title 'Rainbow' was published in USA in the year2002. It is a collection of short stories. I had sincerely made attempt to write short stories therein on' American Mainstream'. I wrote stories related to American Family life and American Society. Besides that America is facing the serious problems regarding mental health, psychological problems etc. my stories reflect those problems. I give here below gist of the few stories and messages thereon.
In the short story title 'I want to Live' is related to Hi tech 'CEO' who was in the field of computer Research regarding' Mind Reading'. He successfully invented the computer system, which can read the 'Human Mind'. However in the process he himself became victim of his newly invented system. This is because he started reading the mind of his wife and found that she was not loyal to him. He came to know that his wife married him for his money. He was very angry and killed his wife. He gave reason in the court that his unstable condition of mind had pruned him to commit crime. He produced the certificate from the doctor that he is suffering from deadly mental decease of Schizophrenia. However he was found out and convicted. Ultimately he pleaded for mercy with reason that he wanted live for doing more and more research for the benefit of people. But every crime has to pay by the way of punishment. The law takes its own course.
In one of the stories 'Disappeared' how one stepfather kidnapped her stepdaughter to kill her. His stepdaughter was coming in his way of making love with his newly wedded wife. This types of pervert and tragic situation some time prevailing in broken family.

My book 'Heart Beats’ was published in the 2007. It is a collection Poems on the various subjects. I had written poems on Places, People, Philosophy, Spiritualism etc. I quote below some of the couplets from my poems, which gives messages on one or other subjects.
1) The love of the country reflects in below mentioned few lines of the poem
“I have seen the beautiful mountains here
and running wild rivers everywhere
The golden rays of sun can be seen
and cool moonlight glitters here
But where is the dust of motherland here.”
2) It is said that 'God is within you. How I mentioned in the poem as under
“Sometime you come in the form of poor man
Or seen in the suffering of those human beings
Whole my life I have been in your search
While you are in my heart which is near to reach'
3) The beauty of ‘ Kanyakumari’ is described in few words
“Tip of the land is going in the ocean
Like arrow is thrown towards wild animal
The colors of the water are different
Black, blue and Grey in all three directions”
4) Some people ask where is 'GOD'? You can not see, and you can not experience!
Therefore I have asked
“In ocean's mighty waves who is there?
Who creates those icy peaks everywhere?
The water of those long rivers who carries?
The vibration of earthquakes comes from where?
The enlighten souls only knows who play this drama
The things may be different but Creator is same”
My books in Gujarati

I published my first Gujarati novel 'Prem Milan' (1988-1989). It was based on the idealist youth that believed in behaving as per his call of the conscience. He considered his call of the conscience as truth. However once truth generally does not tally with the majority. He was consequently isolated from his family and society. He deeply loved the people with whom he deferred. He was ultimately accepted by all realizing his sincerity towards what he thought as truth. It is a theme that ‘ It is not necessary to give up the truth but you can win over the hearts of all by love and respect.
I had drawn the picture of ideal politician (i.e. In ‘Manasputra’, which was published in 1991) who believed that succession of leadership should be on the basis of ideology rather then on blood relationship. He disowns his own son and supports a son of his friend who was from tribal community and had wavelength with him. It was a theme indirectly against Dynasty Rule.
The' Panchali (i.e. which was published in 1995) is a story of woman who was exploited by two ambitions friends for migrating to America for better life.
'Swargana Jungalma’-(i.e. ‘In the forest of Heaven’ which was published in 2001) is developed around a story of Indian girl who was married to NRI bridegroom. It is a story of wife abuses, which are taking place in America without the knowledge of Indian parents.

I traveled all over India and observed the good culture of India. I was not happy regarding the exploitation of religious feelings in some of the temples. That is to make money. I wrote book title 'Bhina Ditha Harina Lochaniya’ (i.e. I saw tears in the eyes of God’ which was published in the year 1993)
I wrote my touring experiences of America in ‘Oh America Tara Be Chahera’ (i.e. Oh Two Faces of America’-Part-1 and 11 which were published in the years 1991/1994). We can learn lot of good things from American people. However some of the Indian Americans have learnt easy things from Americans and giving up good things from Indian culture. It also creates some time bad incidents and lot of heart burning.
Morarji Desai former Prime Minister of India has been widely misunderstood as his some of the qualities had became liabilities. Therefore I wrote his Political Biography 'Shiyalunu Gulab’ (i.e. ‘Rose of autumn’ published in the year 2000). Keshubhai Patel, Former Chief Minister of Gujarat, also appreciated it.
The' Navjivan Press' which was established by Mahatma Gandhi had published one booklet written by me on ' Some of the Memorable incidents with Morarji Desai, a National Leader’ (i.e. which was published in the year 1997) It was regarding the qualities of leadership. I quote here below few incidents from the same.
1) Let law takes its own course
It was time of rationing of essential commodities in Bombay. Morarjibhai close family friend was taking some bags of sugar out of turn for his friends and relatives. He was intercepted by police and taken to police station. He threatens the policemen on duty that he personally knows Home Minister and they will be in trouble. The policeman on duty immediately contacted Home minister office for further action. Morarjibhai hearing the facts issued instructions to the effect that 'Let law takes its own course'. However his relationship was effected adversely thereafter with the family friend hut he believed that law is same for everybody.
2) Leader should have Direct contact with people without having some one in between
Morarjibhai was Prime Minister in the (1977-1979). Some of women leaders from Gujarat had come to Delhi for attending ‘ All India women convention’. They were supposed to return on the next day evening. One of the leaders approached me to arrange for meeting with him. I was aware that it was not possible to get his appointment in short notice. I requested those Ladies to come with me in my car to Prime Minister House where they can meet him during his morning Public Appearance. They came with me accordingly and met him. They were very happy. However he called them aside and told them that he was available to any one at any time. Please do not think that you can meet me through my relatives only. This incident shows that he wanted to remain in direct touch with the people.
3) Leader should be Role Model in implementing Laws
Morarjibhai was also very much fond of Drama. Once he was attending Marathi Drama. The said drama was very interesting and was very much involved in watching the same. The suddenly his peon appeared before him and shown him time. He immediately got up and said drama should be close as time is over. Besides that he left the venue immediately
. He himself had issued ordered that all Restaurants and Public entertainment places should be closed by certain time. He wanted to implement the government order strictly as a Role Model.


Blogger Swami Veda Bharati said...

Hi, I was in search of a picture of Sage Valmiki and came upon your blog. Would like to use the picture for a book cover. The book is written by Mahamandaleshwar Swami Veda Bharati ( and is titled "Bhagawad Gita as in Yoga Vasishtha". So seeking your permission to use this picture, complimentary, or please let us know the cost. Are there any copyrights? Thanking you in anticipation.

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