Chhajjuka Chaubara of Bharat Desai

In Hindi Chaubara is a place where people of village discuss the various subjects and chhajjus represents those people. However here all learned people are dicussing the important topics of the world in form of creative writing. I have given herein group photo of few members of 'Chhajjuka Chaubara.'

Friday, April 07, 2006

Taming the Mind
By R Parthasarthy
The mind is just a pattern of desires, a composite of the warp and woof of plans and resolutions. It has immense potentiality to create manifold images and so is also called imagination. Imagination hides the truth. It fogs the intellect, perverts the vision, deviates the straight path of the aspirant. Desire creates mirage where there was none before. Desire imposes beauty where there was none before; it clothes things with desirability. To escape from clutches of desire which gives birth to the brood of anger, hatred, malice, greed, envy, faction, falsehood, etc., one has to cleanse ones consciousness by prayer and good activity, selfless desire less activity. Service is the best Sadhana for eliminating the nefarious pull of the mind towards desires.
The mind flits quickly from one idea to another; it fondles for a moment and forsakes the next. You may manage to keep your mouth shut, but it is next to impossible to keep the mind shut. Mind is of that nature; it is woven so, out of the yarn of desire. Its characteristic is to flutter and flit, hither and thither, through the outlets of the sense, into the external world of colour, sound, taste, smell, and touch. But it can be tamed and put to good use by man. If we keep it engaged in good pursuits and good adventures, particularly in the contemplation of the Universal, the Absolute, the Eternal, that is to say, of God, then it will not go astray and will not land man in ruin; for God is the source of undying strength, o lasting joy, and the deepest wisdom
(Writer is also a deep thinker and was a Chief Executive Officer in Private Sector Company)


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