Chhajjuka Chaubara of Bharat Desai

In Hindi Chaubara is a place where people of village discuss the various subjects and chhajjus represents those people. However here all learned people are dicussing the important topics of the world in form of creative writing. I have given herein group photo of few members of 'Chhajjuka Chaubara.'

Sunday, July 02, 2006

By L G Patwardhan
Translated from 'Marathi' and Presented by L G Patwardhan
(Umeshbhai Mashruwala along with other members of 'Chaubara')
The basic notes of music cannot be ignored if you want to increase the appreciation of the tenor and tempo of a musical melody. Likewise to improve upon the Old Age Song, to make it more melodious, lively why not consider these basic notes in a different perspective? These notes are the eight virtues which we must try to inculcate and imbibe without any preconceived notions or any reservations. If we succeed, our life at the fag end will not only enrich, but will also be respected by the next generation spontaneously. Let’s analyse these virtues and take proper steps in the right direction.
1)Be Cautious
(“Sa” for Savadhan)Make reforms in your behavioural pattern, curtail your wants, make yourself useful. Do not often complain about your ailments. Do not insist on a particular methodology you like for carrying out certain jobs at home or outside the home. Just as you accept the wrinkles commensurate with the advancing age, also accept the fact that the respect , status, and power you enjoyed during your “service time” will also diminish and hence do not feel inwardly hurt about this loss! This is the Caution you must observe.
(“Re”for Rekhivpana)Just because you have retired, it does not mean that you can afford to be shabby, unshaven ,nails and unkempt hair, wearing torn clothes, missing buttons ,wearing torn shoes/chappals ,wearing cracked/broken glasses. These changed behavioural patterns, though apparently insignificant, create an ugly image of yours not only at home but also outside among your friend circle. Such shoddiness even is not justifiable because of your curtailed income , as a result of your retirement. This may gradually lead you towards being neglected by relatives and friends alike. Remember that a person with a pleasant appearance and a smile on face is often liked by others. Hence be cautious and neat in your outlook, behaviour and talk.
3)Shed your'Ego'
(“Ga” for “Garva”)We unwittingly carry our ego in daily walk of our life, while dealing with our children, grandchildren at home and so also while dealing with other younger generation outside. Simply try to “Forget” what you were during your young days, the manner in which you handled your household and office affairs, what hardships you underwent during your formative days, and many such instances. The times have changed tremendously and at very fast pace and others have no “will and patience” to hear these “sermons/ historical background”. Life style e.g. style of wearing clothes,hair styles,patterns of clothing, footwear and other accessories have undergone an unimaginable change and hence we should be tolerant and must accept these changed lifestyles of both sexes without any bias(resulting out of your “ego”)
(“Ma” for “Mana”)Control your mind. Keep it ever cheerful. Let us occupy it in “good reading, social work, developing healthy friendship, keeping tuned up to “Nature” .Old age leads us to instant irritation, doubts, thus leading to unnecessary arguments and also to “Indigestion”! Hence control your mind and remain ever cheerful. “
(“Pa” for “Parameshwar”)Owing to some handicap if you are unable to help others or do some social work, make God your trusted friend. Offer regular prayers. Try to safeguard other’s interest, do not publicize your prayers or efforts in this direction, since these are solely for your own enjoyment and hence must be kept to “Yourself”.
(“Dha” for “Dhan”)Spend wisely what you have earned in your lifetime. If necessary make wise investments by seeking proper consultations. Do not ever part with your assets, sheerly out of affection and love , till you are alive. Remember your “Value among friends and relatives as well as nearones is directly proportional to your “Bank balance or assets.” The day you ask for some “Loan”, in your old age, from any one, you will be “looked down upon”. Hence be careful with your finance.
(“Nee” for “Neetimatta”)This not only means character but also, a)Thinking jealous/ envious about others just for the sake of your own benefit, b)Making “bias” comments , c)talking bad of others,d) criticizing others, are also considered as non-virtuous deeds/acts. Please abstain from such behavioural traits. On the contrary, train yourself in such a manner that others shall feel, ”this chap is indeed a straightforward and unbiased guy!”
(“Sa” for “Samanjasya”)Be considerate in old age. Do not ever insist that all others must accept your views and methodology, authority(being elderly!). In doing so you will invite hatred from younger generation, create unhealthy atmosphere among the household members as well as among the friendcircle. Please desist from such behaviour.
Finally these eight virtues born out of Musical Notes will definitely make our “Old Age Song” tuneful and melodious!!
Let us make an Honest attempt!
(Kadavul Hindu Temple of Hawaii Island)
This is first Shiva temple established at Kauai Hindu monastery in 1973. Kauai is one of the famous island of Hawaii group and really boasts of
1) The Wettest place on the earth (Mount’ Wai Ale Ale’-5148 ft and 485” yearly rainfall)
2) Isle of waterfalls
3) Lush and verdant greenery like a paradise imaginable with hundreds of rare plants and wild life which flourish here
4) A 18 holes 72 par, championship golf course designed by legendary golfer Jack Nicklaus and is a home to the PGA grand slam since1994.
5) Captain James cook landed here first in 1778.
6) First settlers arrived here around 500 AD, Approximately 500 years before the rest of the islands were settled. The area of island is 552 sq. miles and population about 55000.
7) Since 1933 film celebrities have been visiting this island for picturesque spots. Three Jurassic Park movies have been shot here along with several other outstanding movies.
I personally wonder as to why no reference whatsoever directly or indirectly is ever made to the beautiful Kadavul temple situated about 15 miles away from the harbor and commanding a picturesque spots spread over an area of 458 acres.
It is a traditional south Indian Shiva temple. There is a 6ft tall bronze murti of ‘Nataraj’; 3ft tall Swayambhuligam weighing 300 lbs. at the main entrance on either side then are 6-ft tall murtis of Lord Ganesha and Ardhanainnateshwara and full size trident. Facing the deity there is a huge Nandi in black stone weighing 32000 lbs. created from single stone. Lining the main walls of the temple is a rare collection of Shiva’s 108 Tandav poses in 16” bronze icons covered with gold leaf

The main panchmurti pooja is from 9am and is performed reciting in Sanskrit pathas. The interesting part being, the Sanyasis are American/English origin who have converted to Hinduism and underwent vigorous training in this monastery under the tutelage of Tamil gurus. They are uniform (like Sadhu/ Sanyasis). They are about 25/30 Sanyasis staying at this monastery and round the clock every three hrs, Pooja and Arti are performed.
The sacred fire is kept 24 hours. This temple was founded by late Satyam Sivaya Subramuniyaswami and currently managed by Satyam Bodinath Velayanswami.
Further the name “Shubhramuniya” is Tamil spelling of Sanskrit ‘Subhramaniya’ (Not to be confused with Subramannya). It is from ‘Shubhra’ meaning ‘Light Intuition’ and ‘Muni’= ‘Silent Sage’. ‘Ya’ meaning ‘Restrain, religious meditation.’ Thus Subramuniya means a “ Self restrain Soul who remains Silent or when he speaks, Speaks out from intuition.”
(Iraivan Temple)
A $16 million project called Iraivan temple construction is in progress at this island on the same land where Kadavul Shiva temple exists. It is in the close vicinity of the old existing temple and has progressed more than halfway. The foundation was laid in 2001 and it is scheduled to be completed by 2008 or early.
The beauty is this is a ‘Chola Style’ temple being constructed in white granite stone imported from Banglore in India. Every stone is manually carved in India (Banglore) and, in bulk the crafted portions reach Kavai Island by sea in containers, where from these are transported by road at site and erected. All the artisans work meticulously under supervision of temple architect Shannengam Sthapati who has building experience of temple for 50 years. There will be 40 pillars, some will render musical notes when tapp.
It is on record that late Sataguru Sivaya Subramaniyanswami had in his early morning dream around 1975, mystical visions of Shiva which finally inspired him to construct this holy edifice of the world at this dream island. It is thus that he himself clipped the first stone in 1990 in India (Banglore) and 2001 laid the first stone at the monastery in Kavai. His successor Satguru Bodinath Veylayanswami is now guiding along with his monastic and devotees around the world.
The site and ambience at this Polynesian isle Kavai is such where life is unhurried, and gentle, where the land and its creatures are still honored, where rainbow fill the sky and where the Hawaiian spirit of love and community, called Aloha endures, embracing and uplifting every Visitor!
Some main features of this temple are: - Around the main temple tower then are 23 karat gold covered small towers on east, west, north sides in place Garbhanyasa rites of the main sanctum have been performed. Nandi Mandapam and Reception Center, High- Tech Security systems, have been incorporated.
Six lion pillars installed, each requiring 700 working days to carve from a single stone! This includes an interesting item, a free moving ball enclosed behind the clenched teeth of a lion’s open mouth. These pillars support Iraivan’s unforgettable “Chinna Gopurams”.
‘Open house’ is held every 2 years when Kavain residents and visitors (It is preferred if they ware Lungi and Augavastram or Dhoti/Pyjama and Kurta) are allowed to witness the progress of the Temple, meet the craftsmen and enjoy the lush, tropical grounds, full of greenary in its original tended form. 250 Rudraksha trees (Panchmukhi beads) have been planted and this is an added attention to the otherwise beautifully tended flower gardens bowers, and Hawaiian jungle (Tropical forest trees).
The temple construction is indeed a mystical marvel which is a team effort spanning the globe, engaging the hearts and minds of thousands of well wishers. This temple where inner and outer world meet and communing with God is easy and natural. In times to come this might be a place of pilgrimage for the devout, sincere and dedicated. This will be a place where you do not have to invoke God, as God is here, for this is where heaven meets the earth! In Hawaiian language this is known as “Pihanakalani”.
Whoever visits this temple in Hawaii will enjoy the heavenly bliss!
( Presenter is a deep Thinker and very Senior Engineering Executive from Indian Railways)


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