Chhajjuka Chaubara of Bharat Desai

In Hindi Chaubara is a place where people of village discuss the various subjects and chhajjus represents those people. However here all learned people are dicussing the important topics of the world in form of creative writing. I have given herein group photo of few members of 'Chhajjuka Chaubara.'

Sunday, July 20, 2008


A few years ago the Indian consumer had to accept whatever food products were
available in the market. Generally, the quality was poor, prepared un-hygienicallyusing substandard materials, adulterated cooking oils & fats, withemphasis being mainly on taste and not on hygiene or nutrition. This was in the unorganized sector. There were some smaller companies in the organized sector manufacturing cannedfoods,jams/jellies, tomato ketchup, squash, ice cream etc. Edible oil though sold in tin packs, was mostly sold loose & many times adulterated. Only the Government run dairy plants were selling pasteurized milk in bottles, but by & large milk was being dispensed loose & adulterated by vendors, at doorsteps early morning.

However, the last decade has seen phenomenal changes in the Indian Food Industry. Several large Indian companies and many multinational companies have stepped into the food business. The Indian companies are Amul, Godrej, Tatas, Dabur, Britannia, Haldiram, Marico, MTR and others. Among the multinationals are Hindustan Unilever, Nestles, Glaxo Smith Kline, Cadbury, Coca Cola, Pepsi etc. A complete range of food products including beverages & frozen foods is now on the shop shelves.

The Indian Food Industry has grown to Rs. 400,000 crores ( US $ 100 billion) as compared to the US food industry which is $ 550 billion. The Indian Dairy Industry with 90 (ninety) million tonnes per year stands first in the world and the US comes second. India stands second in sugar production with 20 million tonnes next only to Brazil which is 30 m.t.

Fully automated state-of-the-art machinery has been installed for precise & hygienic product manufacture in many places.

Newer technologies like UHT processing for long-life products, Extruder Technology for designer nutritious & fun products, Retort-Pouch packs for heat & eat products are some of what technology has contributed.

Technology is keeping pace in meeting the challenges posed by the food industry by developing newer equipment, processes, ingredients and packaging.

Technology has helped develop better packaging such as Tetrapack, Retort-pouch pack, standipack, Nitrogen flushed bulk pack for fruit pulp etc.

With the UHT process, milk can be sterilized at a high heat of 135 degrees Celcius for a couple of seconds, sterilized & packed in Tetrapack containers. This product can be kept at room temperature for 6 moths without spoilage. Amul, Vijaya, Nestle & other brands are marketing these in India .

So also fruit juices can be heated to a slightly lower temperature & packed. With this process the nutrients are not lost. Dabur & others are marketing this. Yogurt, puree, fruit & vegetable concentrates etc are all packed in convenient small handy packs.

The tetrapack is comprised of 6 layers of material which is 70% paperboard, 24% polyethylene and 6% aluminium foil. This pack does not allow Oxygen or light to penetrate; bacterial growth is prevented and also prevents moisture getting in or out.

With the Extruder Technology, various types of raw materials like wheat flour, rice flour, corn flour, soya flour etc can be fed into the extruder chamber, which is steam-heated and has twin screws. The materials are fed according to the formula and the nutrients required, cooked & extruded under pressure through a nozzle. Different dyes can be fixed at the exit end so that the desired shape & size product is obtained. The product puffs & is immediately cooled & packed.. Many protein snacks, sports foods, soya nuggets & granules, KurKure, Fruito-Lays etc are all extruded products.

Retort-pouch pack processing technology is used for making heat & eat ready Indian foods by a special process in a retort where high heat is applied. Defence Research Development Organization (DRDO) has done pioneering work in the field of retort pouch processing of Indian foods, using indigenous packing material and equipment. A number of multiplyer and co-extruded material such as polypropylene-Nylon, polyethylene, polyester aluminium foil, polyester cast polypropylene etc are used to withstand retort conditions.

MTR, Tasty-Byte, Haldirams, Kohinoor and other brands sell heat & eat foods.


Many ingredients have been developed to aid or perform different functions.

** Nutrients: Fiber, Protein Isolates, Vitamins/Minerals, Omega-3 fatty


** Stabilizers: Pectin, Gum Arabica, Carageenan.

** Sweeteners: Sucralose, Aspertame, Acesulphame-K, Fructose-Oligosaccharides, etc.

** Colors: Natural colors from some fruits, some flowers etc.

It is important that consumers are made aware of product details. This is done Through Media, which have high impact.

** Television

** Print Media

** Demand Creation by attractive offers, focusing target consumers.


** Globalization and economic progress play an important role.

** International travel & exposure to multi-nation cuisine

** Entry of global food companies, franchisee operations & opening of Chinese, Italian, Mexican, Thai and other restaurants in major cities.

** Availability of foods & beverages of other countries in food stores.

** Opening of franchisee operations like McDonalds, KFC, TGI Friday, Pizza Hut, Dominos, Baskin Robins, Subway etc in many cities.

** Couples working, high salaries & disposable incomes.—long working


** Shortage of time & need for convenience foods.


**Food & Drug Administration (FDA): To enforce standards

** PFA Act—Prevention of Food adulteration act as a guide for safe food.

** Approved testing laboratories, as a monitoring system.

** Quality Certification marks for quality assurance:

a) BIS: Bureau of Indian Standards for food products

b) Agmark: Agricultural Marketing for edible oils & fats

c) FPO: Fruit Products Order for all fruit & vegetable products

** RDA: Recommended Dietary Allowance. This is printed on all labels as

A guide to consumer about the percent nutrient content available in each

Serving size.

Rapid pace of city life, long working hours, irregular eating habits, snacking on unhealthy foods etc. has caused many of the inherent problems like stress, pollution, lack of physical activity and the illnesses related to these as hypertension, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases.

** Wrong eating habits

** Coronary diseases: causes are saturated fats, transfats, obesity.

** Diabetes: causes are obesity, eating high Glycemic Index foods.

Recommendation: low GI foods, take sugar substitutes, exercise.

** Others are dealt with in detail later in this lecture.


** Nutraceuticals

** Functional Foods


** Therapeutic Foods—Probiotics & Prebiotics

** Convenience Foods


** Can be defined as a food that provides medical or health benefits, including prevention and/or treatment of a disease. Examples : Psyllium seed husk (Isabgul / Metamucil) for reducing hypercholesterolemia,

Broccoli (asulphoraphane) as a cancer preventive and soy or clove (Isoflavones) to improve arterial health and many similar. Other examples are Flax seeds(isolinoleic acid), Ginseng, Garlic oil, Berries (anthocyanins) etc.

Functional Foods:

Over & above providing basic nutrients, these foods have physiological effects. Examples : Plain yogurt, eggs, soy milk & products.


The body produces what are called ‘free radicals, which are harmful to body cells. To counter these antioxidants are required.

** Help in healthy aging, sustaining vitality and diminish risk of age-related


** Present abundantly in fruits & vegetables.

** Vitamins A, E, & C help in healthy aging by protecting against free


Thetapeutic benefits of Probiotics:

** Colon is site of microbial colonization, both good & bad.

** Over 500 different types of bacteria including Lactobacillus &

Bifidobacteria are present. Dahi or plain Yogurt contain S.Lactis &

Lactobacillus. In India Amul & Nestle are making Dahi with

Bifidobacteria. There are many benefits in consuming Dahi.


** Prevention of Urogenital infections

** Alleviation of constipation

** Protection against traveller’s diarrhoea.

** Reduction of antibiotic induced diarrhoea

** Preention of hypercholesterolemia

** Protection against colon/bladder cancer

** Prevention of osteoporosis

Concept of Prebiotics:

** Non-digestible food, stimulating growth of Probiotics.

** Oligosaccharides: They are carbohydrates in between monosaccharides & polysaccharides. They are soluble fibers. Examples: Chicory roots, Onions, leeks, garlic, wheat, asparagus, legumes.

** Health benefits of Oligosaccharides:

--- Effect on intestinal flora

--- Systemic effects of fermentation

--- Improvement of defecation

--- Reduction of putrefaction

--- Prevention of colon cancer

--- Effect on mineral absorption


** Technological development in equipment, processing, packaging &

Ingredients brought in revolution.

** Urbanization, changing meal pattern require convenience foods.

** Changes in societal & economic pattern---need for convenience foods

** suits all different populations like working couples, army, patients,

School children, airline & railways.

** Require little or no processing or cooking before consumption.


** Ready-to-eat (RTE) foods, i.e., the food which can be directly consumed from the package with or without warming/thawing and without preparation

** Ready-to-use (RTU) foods i.e., the foods that need some preparation

--- Masalas, ginger/garlic paste, purees

--- fresh cut vegetables

--- Ready-to-Cook (RTC) noodles, idli-mix, etc.

--- Ready-to-Fry (RTF) like papads, samosas.

--- Ready to Reconstitute (RTR) ice cream mix, gulab jamun mix,

Breakfast cereals.


--- Ready-to-Drink (RTD)

--- Ready-to-Serve (RTS) which need some preparation like dilution,



** 31.8% died of heart diseases

** 21.6 of cancer

**7.9% of stroke

** 6.0% of chronic lower respiratory diseases

** 3.2% of influenza and pneumonia

** 3.2% of Alzeimers

** 3% of Diabetes (In India the number of Diabetics is approaching 4% & is

expected to become the Diabetic capital of the world)

** 23.3% of all other diseases


‘Geriatric’ means that branch of internal medicinethat deals with healthcare of elderly.

Seniors have physical & physiological problems accompanied by psychological & social changes necessitating special diets.

** There are changes associated with ageing

** Changes affect nutritional status

** Body composition changes as fat replaces muscle (sarcopenia)

** Exercise may slow down this process

** Lean body mass decreases and Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR) declines

** Lowers energy needs

** Avoid gaining weight: calorie intake is decreased as increasing the

Activity to expend extra calories is difficult.

** Drop in bone mass: make bones vulnerable to Osteoporosis & fracture.

** Gastro-Intestinal changes cause poor digestion and absorption.

** Decrease in sensitivity in taste buds for salt & sweet affecting appetite.

** Insulin decreases

** Increasing hypertension & serum cholesterol

** Lower immune function


** Food intake declines due to decrease in calorie requirements

** Important to ensure that elders eat nutritious foods

** Less room for empty calories (sweets, fatty foods & alcoholic beverages)

that are less nutrient dense

** Sensible programme of exercise like walking, to spend calories and eat

Nutritious food.

** Suppplements not necessary when balanced food is eaten

** When limited food is eaten, supplementation with protein, minerals (iron,

Calcium,Zinc), vitamins. .

** For healthy seniors 1 gm. Protein is required per kg. body weight

** Calcium necessary to prevent Osteoporosis


** Meat, sweets, high-fat dairy products have more calories & less fiber

** Digestive system problems---flatulence or gas

** Constipation due to eating less roughage

** Fresh fruits are not eaten due to chewing & swallowing problems. Small

Pieces helpful

** Fruit juices contain vitamins & minerals, but less fiber

** Plenty of fluids are essential


**Effective way to prevent osteoporosis is calcium rich diet in childhood

& adolescence

** In old-age, only delay or slowdown by providing enough calcium in diet

** Reduced food intake reduced calcium intake

** Reduced dairy products also reduce Calcium

** Consumption of milk, yogurt, cheese good sources of Calcium

** Digestive problems still tolerate fermented dairy products like buttermilk,

Yogurt (Dahi)

** Phytates in nuts and cereals reduces Ca absorption

** Women after menopause need more calcium with vitamin D.

** Vitamin D helps better absorption of Calcium


** Seniors have hypertension, high cholesterol (esp. LDL), high


** Dietary management by lower sodium (salt), lower saturated & trans fats

(esp. bakery products) and maintain Body Mass Index (BMI) below 25

** Brisk walking and exercise (not vigorous/strenuous) is ideal

** Due to reduced sense taste/flavor seniors like salty, sweet, fatty foods

--these must be restricted

** Saturated & trans-fat increase cholesterol. Transfat lowers the good

Cholesterol (HDL), mono & poly unsaturated fats lower cholesterol

But mono increases HDL the good cholesterol

**Garlic, onion, soya, nuts lower cholesterol

** Plant sterols lower cholesterol absorption


** Type II diabetes is as a result of less activity & obesity

** Fiber useful in controlling blood glucose

** Sugars must be restricted in diet

** Even some starchy foods like potatoes have high Glycemic Index

** Glycemic load is important

** Exercise & control of diet especially saturated fat & sugar, moderate low

Glycemic load food, more fiber, restricted fruit products with sugar



** Major cause of death in developed countries

** Some genetic factors responsible

** Lifestyle is a big factor including smoking, pollution, certain chemicals,

Excess alcohol consumption, which cause cancer.

** Many phytochemicals like B-Carotene, isoflavones, anthocyanins,

Antioxidants, vitamins A, C & E are anti-carcinogenic.

** Fiber, thiol (crucifer veg.), lignan (flax seeds) are protective

** fruits are beneficial


1. Nanobiotech

2. Therapeutic Foods

3. Radiation Processing

4. Organic Foods

5. Generically Modified (GM)Foods

1. Nanotechnology:-Application in foodindustry:

Technology to measure, manipulate and manufacture things at the scale of atoms & molecules. Having impact on several aspects of food science, from how food is grown to how it is packaged. Sensors are being developed to detect bacteria, to detect shortage of vitamins & nutrients in body & release from capsules, to detect & release reqired fertilizers, watrer etc for crops in fields etc.

Applications in food industry ranging from

** Food design

** Food safety

** Overcoming food allergies

** Eliminating pesticide use

** Food packaging Restoring food damage

** Sensory evaluation

** Processes such as filtration, separation, encapsulation etc.

2. Radiation Processing:

** Processing involves use of gamma rays of low intensity for extension of

Shelf life, insect disinfestation and elimination of pathogens & parasites

** 40 countries including India approved use of irradiation for over 100

Items 30 of which are commercialized

** WHO / FAO affirmed safety of food irradiation at doses above 10 kGy


** Insect disinfestation of dried stored products

** Phytosanitation to overcome quarantine barriers in fruits and vegetables

** Inhibition of sprouting in tubers, bulbs and rhizomes

** Delay in ripening and senescence of fruits

** Enhancement in shelf-life by destruction of spoilage microbes

** Elimination of pathogens and parasites


** Food crops grown without use of conventional pesticides, chemical

Fertilizers and processed without irrfadiation and additives or growth


** Animal food without use of antibiotics and growth hormones

** Without use of genetically modified organisms

** Certification is a pre-requisite for acceptability, by Government

Regulatory authority, exporters, importers etc.


** Lifestyles and improper food habits have been the primary causative

Factors for many of the health conditions

** Eating wholesome nutritious foods suitable for the individual’s age

And medical condition, combined with exercise, is the key to maintaining

Good health

** Food Industry is aware of the importance of nutrition and is now trying

to produce such foods designed to meet the health needs of different age

( Writer is a former General Manager of Modern Bakery, Govrenment own Unit at India.)
