Chhajjuka Chaubara of Bharat Desai

In Hindi Chaubara is a place where people of village discuss the various subjects and chhajjus represents those people. However here all learned people are dicussing the important topics of the world in form of creative writing. I have given herein group photo of few members of 'Chhajjuka Chaubara.'

Saturday, June 02, 2012


It is very important to find out which  are the trends and problems with our youth and ageing people.  These are very important sectors of the society which will form the future of next generation
                    Youth in the developed  country are towards the enjoyment  of the prosperity and fruits coming out of scientific  and economical developments. The past generation had worked very hard to achieve it but present generation is not that much enthusiastic to take forward the work of their  parental societies. It clearly reflects that in the rich country like USA. The education has also gone down in the sense that 80% of young students are dropped out from schoolsand university are filled up with 60% students from  under developed countries.
                    In case of underdeveloped countries education standard may be going up but students are more after material gain and giving up  values in their life. This has adversely affected the family system and values.
                    Therefore we can see here gain and loss in the system. Besides that it has also increased the individuality among youth.  The financial and economical condition has also affected the universal system of marriage. The  intolerance, and the lack of sacrifice have also increased the feeling of insecurity . Besides that it is badly damaging the marriage and family system of the society. The youth have also started staying in the isolation with  the company of high tech.  The figures of isolation of youth and unmarried youth have gone up at very high level. In the 1950 the 9% individual were living alone in USA but the latest figure of 2011 shows that 28%of american population live solo  isolation. This has increased mental problems and even crimes. The solo living figures in Canada,Swedan, South Africa, Russia and Japan are 27%, 47%, 24%, 25% and 31% respectively. This shows where we are heading? It will be a system where marriage, family and social interaction will have less place. We have to only judge whether it is good or bad sign.  In india the isolation figure is only 3%  as family system is strong but with increase of financial prosperity it may go up. There may be some percentage of old people in the figure of  isolation but majority is consist of youth. Therefore there is a strong sign of isolated society of youth. It may also bring some liabilities for our future generation.
                             The ageing also brings with it  some problems.  Aging always search place where it can find Warm Society, Entertainments, Housing  and people with specific interest.
America is also facing the very big problem of Baby Boomers who are now ageing  and seeking retirements. The Baby Boomers are around 78 millions. They are supposed to be replaced by present youth which is also difficult problems. We can say that some of the countries are aging. America is one of them.  
                             Japan  is also aging country.  It has gone through natural calamities of earthquake, and tsunami. The Entire East Coast Cities and Villages were affected and some of them were even eliminated by tsunami. Japanese are very hard working and that too with high moral. They had come up after their defeat in the last world war but it is now very difficult  for them to come out of last year's natural disasters. The majority japanese population is aged and  they are unable to face the present problems. China may be also facing the problems of ageing. Some says that the future of India is very bright as majority population is young. However overall it depends upon the moral of the country.
However some time those liabilities apparently reflects in the economy of the countries. The USA  has to heavily depends upon the  high skilled labour from overseas. The european economies are also in great crisis on account of such hidden problems. The economy of certain countries in Asia are coming up because of their youth labour force.  While some of the economies of countries may be suffering on account of as they are ageing.  However the trends in youth and aged will always affect the future of the world.


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