Chhajjuka Chaubara of Bharat Desai

In Hindi Chaubara is a place where people of village discuss the various subjects and chhajjus represents those people. However here all learned people are dicussing the important topics of the world in form of creative writing. I have given herein group photo of few members of 'Chhajjuka Chaubara.'

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Dharma Dhyan Samadhi ( Concentration, Meditation, Trance )
                                                   I Implore you to practice with our inherent power discrimination
and renunciation  with help of a guru, a religious teacher, the art of Concentration,Meditation and                           Trance to achieve highest goal of our life i.e. Bliss God Now, with entering sanyas ashram we completed our worldly duties we must resort to devotion of God and Service to Humanity by Devotion and Practice of CONCENTRATION-MEDITATION-AND-TRANCE. As we are left  with only few years to attain our goal of life i.e. greatest lasting pleasure .
                                                                 To start with  we proceed direct to concentration very senior  now ignoring the other stages i.e. 1. Yam 2. Niyam 3. Asan 4. Prayanam 5. Pratyahar; but not defying them and which will automatically come within you with our faith, strong willpower and determination to achieve goal of life.                                                             
                                                                The  first step is to sit erect,  according to instruction of Bhagwat Gita,  chapter 6.10 to  6.15. and then pointedly pay attention to some object or Ist Dev or mantra and then concentrate with full attention of your mind  with love and affection towards this object and see. If any distractions come in way you may remove it  by taking  your thought to a superior object  by any methods given in Gita,  chapter 12.8,9,10,11  or by visualizing an object superior to the original object as per Gita chapter 7.8 to 7.10, and chapter 10.19 to 10.40, that will will bring back your concentration to original object  every time you are distracted.  Til you may practice by keeping  your pointed attention to more than period of 20 seconds which will mean that you have reached stage of Meditation, and still further when you can remain in Meditation for a  period of  20 minutes or more you shall  be in  the field of Trance. Then you shall feel Ecstasy and all pleasures of life in Divinity. But this  is a temporary and passing phase.  
                                                                 Now there are two types of samadhis 1. Savichar sa-sankalpa samadhi e.g. when it is done with efforts due to  inner mental disturbances it is called sa-sankalpa samadhi. 2. When disturbances are absent this is Nirvichar nirvikalp samadhi, when by practice  are able to become stable and you remain in samadhi till you are disturbed from outside.                                                                                                                            For doing all this you must have faith and sincerely believe that   you are not body  nor mind, nor intellect, nor consciousness or ego but some thing alive which is yourself called  antaratma in Hindi, which is a spark of  highest Self, which is called Atma and whole is called Parmatma i.e. all mighty God. which is beyond nature called Maya or Prakriti,  an active form of God energy which works out this world and worldly matters under his directions and control.                  
                                                                     In Vedanta, a Hindu scripture which  is a  sum and substance of  Vedas and Upanishads, talk of Chetna or self   ( life substance of all living beings ) in your cavity of lower heart and Atma or Parmatma ( pure soul or God ) sitting in upper heart  as two birds watching each other.
                                                                   The first represents bhokta (sufferer of all bad and good deeds of this and past lives ) and Atma as Drista (Seer), We as humans  when devoid of Maya, the evil Powers of God, are pure Self e.g. Antaratma which is only a spark ( ansh ) of God which is always keen to merge with God to achieve the greatest state Sat Chit Anand ( truth-consciousness-bliss).   
                                                                     Now  we are not this body or mind intellect consciousness or ego but pure self an ansh of God, the pure living entity of God. we must realize this and have faith in it. Now this self of ours gets this human body after about 84 million  years after being born in other yonies of inferior insects and plants, trees and animal life, after we get lots of trouble dying and being born again and again and having pains and pleasure,  and other agonies of life. This all hurts us and we are always in distress and  peace and tranquility are absent from our life. So the chetna which is bhokta sees and admires atma which is drista and wants  to become similar to it and take advantage of human birth to attain lasting  peace and tranquility to get ultimate enlightenment.
                                                                        For this has to shed its ego of doer and he is not doing and then see for himself that actually he is in fact not doing any work  which is being done by three gunas of Maya. and then he has to leave desires of fruit of these works and surrender them to God. Then he will rise above Maya and his all karmas done in this life ( kriman karmas, and then prarabdha karma and then sanchit karmas, dissolve in God and he becomes pure antaratma anansh or sparkle of God. At this time he eagerly wants to merge with its anshi God by shedding all curtains of physical, shokhsham and kararan bodies ( i.e. Ananya Maya kosh, pranmaya kosha, manomaa kosh vigan maa kosh and lastly anand maya kosh. After merging the state is Seer - become and you transform yourself to higher SELF i.e.God.
                                                                      This is the ultimate which you get by practice of samadhi i.e. truth-conscience and bliss in the purest form. The goal of is thus achieved.
(By Advesh kumar Mathur)
                                                           With God’s grace I am attempting to trace the origin of OM and deliberate on it. It is said that O Mexisted from the beginning. In modern theory it may be sound and vibrations when universe came into
existence when Big Bang occurred. It is a resonating sound associated with its uniqueness which in
Hindu religion is known as Santana Dharma, is a symbol of worshiping Universal God which belongs to
everybody irrespective of faith.
                                                           OM is imperishable word. Om is the Universe. Everything is Om. All present, past and future is Om.All that can exist beyond bounds of time is OM, whether inert or living. That is our concept of All mighty
GOD. Which in Short is Symbol OM. Also known as Omkar.It is therefore very surprising that we do not find its mention in Rig Veda described as first Veda out of the four Veda’s which were assorted by Rishi Ved Vyas from Shruties. These Shruties were seen in vision and heard by ancient Rishis and each shruti is named after the Rishi who visualized it while
meditating and transferred it to his disciples orally and so on. For example Gayatri Mantra was first
visualized by Rishi Valmiki. And OM though it was from eternity was only brought to knowledge by Lord
Vishnu. It is First mentioned In Yajurveda and is also mentioned in many Upanishads such as Chandogya
Upanishad, Katho Upanishad and Taitarya Upanishad and is prevalent in Sam Ved and Ather Veda. Ather
Veda specifically mentions that there is only ONE God and not two or three or four or five and so on. So
this One God is nothing else but OM.
                                                          Now we observe that popular Mantras were initially mentioned as Namo Shivai, Ganeshai Nama,Bhubhurva swai tat savitur varenium bhargodevasa dhi mahi dhiyona prochodiyat etc. as mentioned
in Rig Veda,are now modified as Om namo Shivai, Om Ganeshai Nama, Om bhubhurva swai tat savitur
varenium bhargodevasia dhi mahi dhio yo na prochadiyat by adding Om as prefix showing that we are
actually worshiping only ONE God.
                                                        Now we encounter various names in Vedas and Upanishads who function some of the qualities of 'ONE GOD', and worship them as gods and goddesses and also creator, provider-Savior and destroyer
separately and treat them as our God and we and others think that in Hinduism there are many God and gods and goddesses and we do not believe in one God. This is totally baseless and shows our ignorance.
The One God OM is only seer or drista and he does not perform any work of creator, provider-savior or
destroyer. These are his energies known as Trinity ( Ishwar) who through his Maya- para and Apara
shakties inherent in him gets all this done through his Maya work but due to ignorance we consider
them as different entities which appear as different than God. But when we discriminate and see the
reality we realize that there is nothing else in this world except One Almighty God, the God of universe
i.e. OM. Even all living beings including human beings and all inert things are but a manifestation of him
which we realize when we are aware of ourselves and when we are enlightened and liberated. We are
only a sparkle or his ansh and are one with him as is a drop of water to ocean. His inherent Shakties
or energies are in whole are known as Maya i.e. Illusion and it is of two kinds Para and Upra Prakrti or
nature. Through All mighty GOD’s power that nature works and it is because of illusion that we do not
realize him as we cannot feel or see him with our five senses of knowledge.
                                                      As somebody said letters of God i.e. G stands for Generator ;- Creator, O stands for Operator;-Provider-savair and D stands for Destroyer;- i.e. same as Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh who as trinity or
Ishwar is responsible for running of this World and Universe. The Almighty God is seer or drishta of all
this. After we realize ourselves the illusion gets dissolved and we see OM the Almighty God stands as
existence consciousness and Bliss.
                                                       So Om is the imperishable word. Om is the universe and this is the exposition of OM. The past, present and the future, all that was, all that is all that will be, is OM. Likewise all else that may exist beyond the
bounds of time is OM - Says Mandook Upnishad.First visionary of OM was Vishnu himself. Now the word OM has spread all over the world as a result of spread of yoga as the cosmic word is chanted with cosmic vibrations before the beginning of yogic exercises all over the world. We pray to OM to give us mindfulness awakening and devotion and with
love and faith so that we realize our selves to be same as He. Let us take deep breath and say OM three times aloud with all vibrations
Om shanty, shanty, shanty, 
With so many commentaries on Bhagwat Gita  ,each expert giving a new meaning to  the verses in Gita it is very difficult to understand true meaning and its application to our life, i have tried to give overview in short to comprehend the truth in short express it to you.
My experience is that any person  who has read Gita many a times, will agree that he finds  something new every time he reads it. and he can only as emulate it if he draws his own conclusions after reading a few comments from experts on the subject..
In my considered view Gita  narrates the contradictions and constant struggle between two parts of our mind i.e 1.Pure mind and evil mind which is always there in our mind on each subject we deal or think about, Which is just like Great war called Mahabharata. How to practice and solve this problem is dealt with in Bhagwat Gita in shape of  a dialogue between Sri Krishna an incarnation of GOD and  Arjun,and who represents one of us.
In short it is said by Lord Krishna that one should think about the subject with detachment  and then take a decision. He has described and elaborated them into three methods Called  1.Jnan Yoga 2. Karma Yoga 3. Bhakti yoga. which mean Knowledge and intellect , Devotion and love and then work and worship According to Sri Krishna this should be done with     your Vivek ( power of discrimination, Vairagya ( Power of renunciation  ans Sadhna (continuous practice and with detachment ). and in the end Pure mind will prevail over the evil mind and success will be yours..
It has been surmounted By Lord Krishna that this Universe is like tree  whose roots are facing upwards  and trunk, branches and leaves are going down and spreading everywhere. On this tree God and Living beings are sitting. GOD is seer and Jivaatma (soul) is reaping the fruits of past lives i.e Sanchit Karm ( accumulated fruits), Prarabdh Karm ( self  Chosen fruits to eat in this life ) and Krimarh karm ( Fruits generated in this life, for which Jivaatma (soul) is independent ) The Jivaatma (soul) is  experiences  pleasure or suffering according to these fruits of past actions in this life i.e he gradually surrounded by three qualities of Maya (illusion.).and bounded by these three i.e Sativa (purer truthful) ,Rajas (Kingly) and Tamas( evil) qualities of illusion. and due to this he tries to search worldly pleasures in this life which is full of sex,anger,ego and anger which are said to be gate way to hell but gets only pain and suffering..
The Geeta preaches advice to get relief from this by relinquishing ego of doing actions yourself and by rejecting fruits of actions whether good or bad  and thus doing actions without attachment and reaping award of fruits of his action doing work in the name of GOD and serving humanity by doing work according to norms, he can rid himself of all fruits of actions by sacrificing them to All mighty GOD ,he gets salvation from this and gets extreme satisfaction in himself leading to Nirvana (salvation). He should therefore do porntah samarparh   to GOD i.e.He should totally give himself to care of GOD and then he will enjoy everlasting pleasure and anand ecstasy in this very life.  He would also help others to follow suite. By this process he gets rid of illusion  by crossing barriers of the three qualities of Maya (illusion) and become Jeevan Mukta     (Realized person) in this life and either preach and enlighten other persons or by  going in Nirvikala samadhi and not coming out of it realize GOD and merge with him.
The war between pure mind and the evil mind which is going in our intellect  is described as Mahabharata and the above teachings are the teachings of Gita as I have understood and I am sharing this with you for benefit of humanity  .
" OM Shanti-Shanti- Shanti"  .

(Avadesh Kumar Mathur is a Writer, Thinker and Philosopher. He was Chief Engineer in the Public Work Deartment of Uttar Pradesh, India.)


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