Chhajjuka Chaubara of Bharat Desai

In Hindi Chaubara is a place where people of village discuss the various subjects and chhajjus represents those people. However here all learned people are dicussing the important topics of the world in form of creative writing. I have given herein group photo of few members of 'Chhajjuka Chaubara.'

Friday, September 21, 2012

This is being taken from the book title 'Jatpat- Caste- the curse of India 'written by Hari Verma, Historian, Writer, Former Director, The Post and Communication Department, and  Practicing Advocate of  Supreme Court of India. He is one of the respected Seniors in "Chajjuka Chaubara", India Community Center, Cupertino, CA.
The Marriage under Vaidic Dharma
1)Priest advise Bride at the time of Marriage
-Do not glance at your husband with anger.
-Do not be hostile. Be tender.
-Be amiable and mother
-Be devoted to learned and bring propriety to the society
Bridegroom to bride after Saptapady
-I am melody you are the lyre.
-I am heaven you are earth
-I take your hand in mine. May you live with me to old age.
2)The Object of Varnashram
-To help a Person's Growth and Development.
3) What Manusmriti has to say regarding Caste
" Janmana Jayate Shudrah Sanskaraih Dwija Uchyate."
-By Birth one is Sudra by action is known Dwija(i.e. The Dwija means Brahman, Kshatriya and Vaishyas)
4)The Spreading of Caste System in India
"The Religious and Social attitudes gave impetus to the emergence of Caste System that soon Spread and got hold of Social Organization in villages"
5)Hindu philosophy regarding Casteism
"No one queries about the Caste or Hierarchy. He who repetitively Prays the divinity will Merge in him."
6) The effect of Casteism
" The Casteism binds moral Iimagination and render Democracy ritual of Hypocrisy. It hide cliches. The end of Caste  system is illusory."
"The genuine Secularism is never inconsistent with the essential teaching of any religion. Though it may collide with fortuitous practices, silly superstition and some dubious doctrinal deductions."

8)The aim of Hinduism is Universal Brotherhood
The deep rooted hierarchy of cast system if undone will benefit one out of each seventh  individual of the world and will also fulfill the Hindu aim of Universal Brotherhood.
9) The Curing of Cast Syndrome in India
Throughout its history, India suffered from the malaise of cast. Buddha, Mahavira, Nanak, Kabir, Saints and Poets made efforts to cure the cast syndrome of its evil effect. But they could bring only temporary relief to the weakest strata of the society.
10) The Cast system is a peculiar feature
It is a Peculiar feature of the otherwise most Liberal and Rational Hindu faith.


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