Chhajjuka Chaubara of Bharat Desai

In Hindi Chaubara is a place where people of village discuss the various subjects and chhajjus represents those people. However here all learned people are dicussing the important topics of the world in form of creative writing. I have given herein group photo of few members of 'Chhajjuka Chaubara.'

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Biblical Chronology and its relevance to Indian History
By Bhikhu Patel
Important Biblical events were the creation of the world by God, and a little later, to maintain discipline and order among the followers, the occurrence of the Great Flood. The curse of Noah upon Ham, the building of the Tower of Babel and the Dispersion of the humanity are other events.
These events have been chronolized, and the credit goes to, amongst others, to an Irish bishop by the name James Ussher. He lived during the 17th century (1581-1656), was an arch-bishop and a very learned one. The historians have been extremely grateful to the bishop for providing the basis for the historical events, in particular, that for the Indian history.
According to Bishop Ussher, God made his creation in the year 4004 BC. The humans misbehaved, hence the flooding of the rivers in 2350BC, known as The Great Flood. All the miscreants died in the flood.
Of course, Noah and the clan were saved by God during the period of the Great Flood in Noah's Ark. The Ark anchored on Mt. Ararat which is situated in the popular region, south of the Caspian Sea. When the flood subsided, they came down to the fertile plains of Tigris and Euphrates.
Noah and his family came down the plains and tended a vineyard. Once, working at the vineyard, Noah was very tired, had a bit of drink and went to sleep in his tent – naked! Ham the youngest, saw his nakedness, became the victim of Noah's curse – his descendants would be 'dark as night' and would serve the progeny of Shem and Japhet.
Noah clans settled down and prospered. There was one language and unity. In praise of their God it was decided to build the Tower of Babel. The Tower was reaching the clouds, that created doubt in God's mind about his followers intention. God was worried about his throne. He gave different speech to every tribe. Now no one understood the other, they quarreled amongst them selves, the Tower was left half done, the tribes moved away in all directions. This was called The Dispersion.
Around 2000BC, the descendants of Ham moved south and eastwards, later called the Dravidians. The historians, Mary Stanton and Albert Hyma, in Streams of Civilization, have said that, 'there is uncertainty whether the first colonists in India were descendants of Shem, of Ham or a mixture of both'.
Their cousins, the descendants of Shem and Japhet, after spending centuries among the peaks surrounding the Plateau of Iran, now acquired the name Aryan. Van Loon, a historian, in the Story of Mankind has written that 'for centuries these tribes lived among the peaks surrounding the Plateau of Iran, and that is why we call them Aryans'. They entered India around 1500BC, and defeated the meek and weak Dravidians and pushed them South.
The historians, thus approached Indian history, using the Biblical Chronology. The first colonists were followed by the second colonists, the Semites, Scandinavians or simply Caucasians. The Austro-Asiatic, the Americas, China and India civilizations were non-existent.
The historians, thus, could only provide 1200BC, as the year of Mahabharat War. This was in complete contrast to the information in the Mahabharata itself. Now that the Mahabharata events have turned out to be very accurate, supported by archaeological and scientific findings, the historians chronology requires revision.
As you would all know, Lord Krishna sent his sarthi, Daruk, to inform the people of Dwarika, to prepare themselves to abandon the city due to the possibility of the rise in sea level and in turn, the submergence of the city. Soon after the departure of Lord Krishana, the Kaliyuga commenced, which is now running into 5111th year. Lord Krishna lived some 126 years, and participated in the War when he was 88 or 89 years of age. The above information tell us that the War took place in 3139BC, and therefore, the historians year of War, 1200BC, is out by 1939 years.
Now that the Oceanographic Dept. of India have located the Dwarika Bet and dated the findings scientifically, there does not remain any doubt that the historians were wrong. The scientists have confirmed that the rise in sea level around the world, had taken place some 5000 years ago.
Even the Sarasvati-Sindhaive Civilization, after the course of the Sarasvati have been traced by NASA Imagiary and tested scientifically, the drying up of the river has been dated around 1900BC. As the Aryans claimed in their First Book, the Rigveda, the existence of the river Sarasvati, in spite of that the historians have given no space in the history books. The chronology must be pushed back to few thousands of years.
Even if the historians had given consideration to the time of Vir Vikrama and the Vikrama Samvant Hindu calendar, which is now running into 2065th yeat, they would have had an accurate chronology. However, accuracy was not the historians aim.
The historians have stated that the mounds at Mohenjo-daro were that of skeletons of the indigenous covered in dirt. It has turned out to be a very highly developed civilization, which had no place in the Biblical chronology.
Jagadguru, in his short life of 32 years (509 BC – 477 BC), established five maths, two of them have maintained records of the Acharyas appointed since 490 BC.
Thus, in support of the traditional chronology, we have examined the details of the submergence of Dwarika City, the drying up of the Sarasvati River, the Rigveda, Vikrama Samvant and Records of the Maths. There is no doubt that Indian history has been doctored. The creation of the races – Aryans and Dravidians – are the world's greatest fictional characters. This was done for one simple reason – to harm the Hindu culture.
The words Aryan and Dravidian are English words, the former meant to describe a fair-skin race and the latter meant to describe a dark-skin race.
The Sanskrit words that one finds in the scriptures are Arya and Dravid, both describe qualities, the former meant to describe nobleness of a person, and the latter meant to describe a knowledgeable person whose duties are to supervise the maintenance of Vedic culture.
The Saptarishi who were highly knowledgeable teachers, were sent to various parts of the world to propagate the knowledge of the Vedas as well as supervise and educate humanity in maintaining higher standard of social behavior.
One of the Saptarishi was Agatsya Muni, who was given the task of establishing Vedic institutions south of the Vindhya Ranges. The area south of the Vindhyas since has been known as Dravid desh.
Hindu scriptures puts it a little differently. Agatsysa Muni had his instructions to establish educational institutions. The Muni with his companions arrived at Vindhyachal. The Vindhya ranges were getting taller and taller, so tall that even the trajectory of the Sun was being obstructed.
Agatsya Muni found out that a competition, who is the tallest?, was going on between Mt. Meru and Vindhaya. Vindhaya revered the great sage Agatsya and agreed to lower its height so that the Sage and his people may cross over. Not only that, Vindhaya promised that it would wait for the Sage's return journey before joining the competition.
The Sage never returned. He established himself in the South.
Finally, let me end my talk by saying that every Indian is an Arya.


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