Chhajjuka Chaubara of Bharat Desai

In Hindi Chaubara is a place where people of village discuss the various subjects and chhajjus represents those people. However here all learned people are dicussing the important topics of the world in form of creative writing. I have given herein group photo of few members of 'Chhajjuka Chaubara.'

Friday, April 07, 2006

By S Krishnamurthy
Tattwamasi (Thou art that) is one of the greatest vedic\upanishadic statements(MAHAVAKYAS). Let us try to analyse the significance of the statement. According to PANCHADASI of Sri Vdyaranya before the creation their existed the reality,one only,without a second,and without name and form. That it even now (after creation)exists in a similar condition is indicated by the word that.
The principle consciousness which transcends the body,senses and mind of the enquirer is here denoted by the word THOU THE WORD Art(ASI) shows their identity. Is there a practical way to realise this VEDANTIC TRUTH.
Swami Vivekananda said Man is potentially Divine. It is up to him to bring out the Divinity by Karma Yoga , Bakthi Yoga or Gyana Yoga or by all of them.The student of Gyana Yoga has to educate his mind to remove misconceptions that cling to it. Those that make him think that he is something else. In the analysis all that we need to educate ourselves in any field.Material or Spiritual is Discrimination a kind of Meditation to remove doubts, in order to realise the importance of the one statement "Thou Art That'.
Brahaman is all that exists behind all Names and Forms in the Universe.It is a question of negation of the appearance, realisation of the reality of Brahaman and the affirmation of the Brahaman every where. Then you will be able to say what I see is Brahaman fundamentally nothing but Brahaman.
Literally I see God everywhere but you will know that you are not seeing him as he is.You are seeing him as he appears- those containers-these Bodies and Minds.
In the last analysis any one who says " I have not seen God " is a liar.You cannot see a thimg without seeing God. It is a matter of conviction.
The Gyani sees the same world as we all do but it sees in a different perspective. The universe is nothing but Brahman. Freedom according to gyani means living in the awareness of god/Brahman at all the times. Under all circumstances.
The scriptures narrate an incident where four sags who knew themselves to be Brahaman went to lord Siva and had a long conversation with him about the immortality of soul. However they did not notice that yama the lord of death was also there. Yama was offended that the four sages did not greet him. Yama decided to take revenge on them. When the sages departed yama came out of cursed them saying "sages you dare defy the king of death! I denounce you. You have to take birth in animal bodies.
Yama is all-powerful over body. The bodies then and there changed to forms of four dogs. Yama looked at them and said ' do you see what I can do with you
But sages were illumined souls. They knew themselves to be bodiless, formless, all knowing omnipresent of all of bliss. So they did not feel different. Sages exclaimed to yama 'yama you have no power over us we are still Brahaman despite having forms of dogs'
Yama was angry and transformed them into insects. Even as bodies were changing the sage's laugh at yama; Yama felt insulted.
At the last lord Siva appeared before yama and consoled him by saying ' yama you rule over those who know the body as the self (Athma) those who know them selves to be atman-the Brahaman 'are beyond your power' you may change the body but what can you do with real self. You had best. Let the four sages alone.
Tawanasi we must go beyond the intellectual conviction and make it true perception in life.
This narration of the incident from the scriptures of the four sages who were realized souls and their encounter with lord yama may serve as an incentive for us to mediate on the great Vedic equation 'Tatwam Asi' and try not merely to keep it as an intellectual conviction but try to make it a concrete perspective to follow in life.
(Writer is a former Senior Executive from the Indian Railways)
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