Chhajjuka Chaubara of Bharat Desai

In Hindi Chaubara is a place where people of village discuss the various subjects and chhajjus represents those people. However here all learned people are dicussing the important topics of the world in form of creative writing. I have given herein group photo of few members of 'Chhajjuka Chaubara.'

Friday, April 07, 2006

In whose hands lies our Fate?
By Vijay Mankermi
Many people believe and say- we shape our own fortune. It is in our hand.while some say- our fate lies in the hands of almighty. We only make efforts or work to do something, but fate lies in the hands of God. The result is in is in his hands.
There is one case as published in recent Newspaper. One Mr. Michael Morales was prosecuted for rape and murder of a girl- committed by him 25 years ago. Going through a long legal battle for 25 years, at last he was sentenced for death. Even appeals to the governor did not get any relief and day and time for execution of death sentence was fixed.
At this point some development took place in a different way. The doctors executing the lethal Iv injection protested against this action, saying doctors are meant for treating a person to save his life and not to kill him. It was not possible to find any other person to do that work as per judgement, and time for the death execution warrant expired.
Under the controversy regarding procedure for execution of death sentence the hearing of the case was rescheduled for the day after two months. Now the questions arising are- did the lawyers, the experts and the judge hold the fate of accused in their hands? Was it in the hands of the execution team till the day decided for execution? Or does it still continue in the hands of Almighty?
I would like to narrate here one incident from my personal life. Our father was passing through a prolonged ill health, and our mother with all of us- brothers and sisters remained worried for the same. With deep faith in God, Saints, and Astrology she thought of consulting a Saint known to the family. We went to see the Saint with horoscope and other information about our father. On studying the horoscope the Saint said, " The life span of this man is already over. At present he is alive and living with grace of some one else as bonus." We were stunned! What shall we do? What about brining up of six children?
"Do you have horoscope of yours any other family members? Asked Saint.
"Yes" and Mother put up her horoscope with tears in her eyes without uttering a word more. After going through it Saint said, "Look, here is the cause for the man living bonus life. As per this horoscope your death is to happen only in existence of your husband. That is you shall live as Soubhagyavati through your life. Your husband will continue to live his extended life till you live. Do not worry. Have faith in God and continue to fulfil your obligations to the family. Almighty is always with you."
We could not make out what to do. Anyhow mother developed more confidence and continued to look after all the six of us. With the help from a few relatives and Dad having minor jobs here and there we continued. After about 17 years when all the children were grown up and on their way of life mother was sick and bed ridden. With full satisfaction and peace on her face she said "Take care of your Dad and do not forget Almighty. He is always with you if you are sincere"
She left the world. After about a year traditional rites were arranged with recitation of Bhagwad Gita at the hands of Dad performing Pooja. But that was the last deed of his life perhaps to acknowledge the extension of his life.
(Writer is a Retired Bank Executive)


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