Chhajjuka Chaubara of Bharat Desai

In Hindi Chaubara is a place where people of village discuss the various subjects and chhajjus represents those people. However here all learned people are dicussing the important topics of the world in form of creative writing. I have given herein group photo of few members of 'Chhajjuka Chaubara.'

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Two centuries ago, "East and West" was a popular expression among the Western intellectuals who often carped East is east and west is West and the twins will never meet. To them East meant the Ottoman Turks and their empire, imputing that the Turks were conceited and savage and treated their opponents in the most barbarian ways. They gauged their opponent’s eyes, impaled their skin, filled it with straw and hung it outside to frighten others. The Westerners considered themselves civilized and not cruel. Anyway, the orthodox and conservatives amongst both Christians and Muslims traded hatred for each other. Followers of other religions such as Hindus, Buddhists suffered at the hands of both. Indians wee categorized as Easterners and they looked with aversion at their rites and rituals though they held their philosophy and literature in esteem.
Yet the Intellectuals looked down upon others. Dr. Radhakrishnan said such Indianists were vain, ignorant, greedy, crass stupid and vaunted self interests and what was worse they did not express remorse for their uncouth behavior and bad manners. True ignorance is not the monopoly of any particular people. Muslims called Hindus kafir, Christians called them uncivilized and Hindus paid back by calling them Mlechchhas. This hate has climaxed with jihad. Young men and women with bombs commit suicide so as to kill non-Muslims, whether the dead are children and innocent people having nothing to do with politics. They attacked Indian Parliament and Kashmir Legislative Assembly. Such fanatics want to convert others to fall in line with their ideology.
Islamic scriptures sanction jihad and punishment to infidels. Hindus permitted the ghastly system of Sati and padres sexually abused the young. The clerics were punished by church and the state. The scriptures are followed forgetting that these were written at a particular time for a particular purpose and the words used in them can have different meanings. Jihad itself is interpreted in two ways- for use in peace of mind or for coercing others to fall in line with the Jihadist’s dicta. The concept of image also sails in the same boat. A devout Buddhist asks how does beheading Buddha in Bamiyan by the Talibans differ from the pictorial presentation to amuse the readership of a journal. There was a time when Muslims opposed printing by mechanical process whereas Christians considered images as a means of enlightenment. Then someone quipped West looked forward, East looked backward. But not for long, Muslims learned the process and became adept in skill and technique. Is it not a fact that Muslims painted animals and human beings?
The West thinks political power ascends from the people (Mao thought power was in the barrel of the gun.) rather than from the potentate appointed by the God. By and large man is rational but reasoning at times parts his company and then he behaves worse than animal. It will be humane to erase the man-made misgivings which emerge from time to time. Let East and West merge and be one humanity. The scriptures also in the end say Om Shanti, Peace, Amen.
(Writer has many books at his credit and is a historian. He is also former advocate of Supreme Court of India.)

When we say ‘thanks for listening’ to a person it is taken as a great compliment. By listening with interest, we can refresh people who are distressed or crushed downwith problems. Being a good listener helps people to enjoy the company of people and friends. Many people are poor listeners. They would rather like to offer their unwanted advice or relate their own experiences, when a friend or a person starts discussing his/her problem.. Some are eager to present their point of view instead of listening fully to otherperson’s. views. Such annoying behavior will keep his or her friends at a distance.
We must learn to listen with love and respect. It is an art that can be cultivated withpatience and discipline. It is a skill worth acquiring and retained . Really listening withcare ,love and interest when others speak ,is an expression of dignity, decency and .contributes to better understanding and happiness. Graceful listening implies that we can putour own interest aside, silencing cell phone, shutting of the TV set, glancing news paper ormagazine or scratching or yawning. One must take intense interest in the thought of other personwho is talking on a serious issueListening with love and grace also requires that we refrain from taking about ourselves or give our views and our experiences on the issue to be discussed. When some one starts a discussion on an important issue, we must listen care fully , understand the problem and then offer views at the end or when asked . We must avoid saying something like this in the midst of serious discussion—‘ that reminds me what had happened to me sometime ago’ and some such things ’Listening with grace is indeed a challenging task.. Can we listen without agreeing to what is beingsaid? Can we say to some one, that we appreciate what is being said and understand how he or she feels although we may not agree.? Yes , in certain situations like the once given below, we can patiently listen, although we may not agree, explain calmly our views on the problem, analyzing the pros and cons of the issue, in the best interest of the individuals concerned to solve the problem. When problems like a young boy in the family gets into the habit of drugs or a teen aged girl at high school tells her parents that she wants to go for a date with her class mate-the boy friend she knows- instead of getting excited and furious, it would be better to carefully listen to the problem s of youngsters and explain what is proper and improper and guide them in their best interest and bring them round ,impressing upon them their future and duties and responsibilities to the family , the institution where and they study and the society. When people disagree heated argument follows with emotion. .This results in repeating what they have said again and again. Each one feels the other person is not listening to his side. How nice it would be, if both of them agree to listen calmly to each other and solve the problem with self-control and discretion. Following the old saying ‘ the one keeping his lips in check is acting discreetly’. Listening with love means, paying special attention not only to the words but also to the emotion suitably expressed..So let us all practice the graceful artof listening. for better understanding and enjoyment of life.
(Writer is a former professor of Loyalla College of Chennai,Tamilnadu State, India)

Friday, February 24, 2006

The life in America is a struggle and survival
The secret to rich life is have more beginnings than endings.
Life is full of obstacles and illusions.
It is not a mistake to have strong views. The mistake is to have nothing else.
Heaven for climate, Hell for society
For friendship always keep connected
It is a heritage we have to protect.
No one has a fine command of language than the person who keeps his mouth shut.
Good girls go to heaven. Bad girls go every where.
Never in the history of India have so many people grown so prosperous.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Chhajjuka Chaubara of Bharat Desai

Chhajjka Chaubara of Bharat Desai

By A Narayanaswami

I was travelling from New Delhi to Madras by Tamil Nadu Express in the year 1984 along with my family and children. During the train journey a middle aged learned man who was travelling in the compartment talked about all subjects under the sun from vegetable prices to religion and politics. When I was inquiring what his name was as he was preparing to get down in the next junction, started smilingly telling his name as Therezhundur Srinvasasa Rajagopola Varaha Venkatesa Krishna Desikan. By the time he completed telling his name the next junction arrived. My daughter inquired why the gentleman has such a lengthy name when his elder brother has such a short name as Prasad. I briefly explained to he that it is customary for our ancestors who were especially particular to name their progenies after many names of lord and his consort, (like Narayana, Rama, Hari, Madhava, Achutha, Govinda, Vani. Durga, Parvathi etc,) that underlying idea being that every one who address them by their names will be invoking the lord all the time I also explained to her that they will be adding their village or town where from the family hails along with their names. Fortunately for Hindus there is no problem to find suitable names as the number of gods and goddesses are so many. One can easily locate suitable names in the Vishnu Sahasranama, lalitha Shasraanama , Laskhmi and other different stothras.

When I went along with a group of friends to Stanford Hospital to check the progress of friend Srinivasa Ayyar of Pakistan (we call him Pakistan Gandhi) We experienced lot of difficulties in locating his ward and room number. The reception counter wanted the last name of the person. We gave last name as Ayyar for which she replied that there was no person baving such a name. We met a doctor Ariz Mohammed who was standing nearby an he also could not help eventhogh Mr Ayyar was in the hospital nearly for a month. During the dicussion we had with the doctor we came to know that Ayyar was his Physics Professor in the Lahore college and his son was his class mate. He was under the impression that Iyer was in Pakistan and he was also eager to meet him.
After trying various permutations of Ayyar we could locate his bed after giving the name Iyer.. Spelling matters much in this computer age. In India people adopt different spellings in the names like Subramaniam, Subramanian, Subrhmanian, Subrahmaniam etc.

My mind’s eyes were roaming thinking about the episode a couple of days back
and whatever came to my my mind I have put it in this paper for presentation to this august group.

How important is baby name? The choice of a baby name will have a profound effect on the personal characteristics of your baby. Your name is extremely important. Your name is your life. It is how you identify yourself in a group. In our country in some families they give the names of politicians, well historical names, cinema actor and actresses or some time the name of the cinema itself. Like Baby Saroja, Kamala, Sivaji, and Madnamakamarajan. Ashok Kumar, Dilip Kumar, Madhubala, etc.

, My mother’s younger sister delivered a baby girl after returning from the film “Dulari” 4 decades back and named her daughter by the pet name “DULARI” though the usual name given was Sriranjani, rarely called by that name. Dulari remained forever. She is in RBI Madras and she got her daughter married. Even today she is called Dulari. There are some cases where parents give names as Pichai (which means gift) especially when they lost many children either as children or as still born children who die early. In many families in the South, it is customary to have pet names for children, which has gone to a ludicrous extent. (Narasimhan as Nachu, Narayana as Nanu, Subramaniam as Mani or Subbu, Meenakshi as Meenu, Kamakshi as Kama or Kamu, Saraswathi as Sacchu, Viswanathan as Vichu or Vicha, Dattreya as Dathu , Jayalakshmi as Joy,Krishnamuthy as Kittu, Kittan, Vanchinathan as Vanchu, Balasubramnanian, as Balu Sreenivasan as Seemachu Pasupathy as Pasu or Pachappa . Ven.katraman as Venkittu etc to cite some examples. The significance of naming children after the Gods is utterly lost by such reprehensible practices

In some families Abstract names are given in India like in this country. (Names such as Mammoty an instrument for digging (He acts as Ambedkar ins Dr Ambedkar, Mannankatty (Earth ball) In some cases the pet names will remain forever tne original names will disappear. Ganesan who acted as Sivaji came to be known only as Sivaji. Rajnikanth’s name (Director changed his name from Sivaji as there was already one Sivaji existing). In the recent year short names were preferred to long names and names were so chosen so that the full identity of the person relating to which region he belongs are not revealed like Dilip, Ajit, Prasad, Varuns Arun, Amit, etc. are not Some parents call their children as Baby or Papa which is carried even when they become old. One elderly gentleman introduced himself as Baby Kittan. His name was actually Krishnan In his younger days his name was Baby Kittan which remained for ever.

In our country according to religious practices the namakaranam of the baby takes place on the 10th, 12th or 16th day of the child’s birth. To do this on any other day we have to fix an auspicious day. The child should be given the name of his forbears or that of some deity. Later on. People gave names of gem stones, animal names, translation of Sanskrit names in their vernacular languages, well known names of kings, birds, names of ragas like kalyani , sahana etc.

I noticed a further twist in the naming of children by Indian in USA. They prefer names with less than 5 to six letters. There are variety of books for selecting names etc. and they even circulate the name among whites in the office and study as to how they pronounce and adopt the names easily pronounceable by them though we don’t bother to pronounce the difficult French, Russian and polish names with minimum of vowels would like to recall a case where a child had to change her name by paying 500 dollars the charge for changing the name when she was eight years old as his class mates were ridiculing him as “Shit. The boy’s name was parikshit.

When I was waiting in doctor’s clinic the nurse came and announced “Tuesday” I got up and said today is Wednesday. She laughed and added that she was announcing the name of a patient. A gentleman got up and went inside. I thought he was the fan of Lal Bahadur Shastri because of the following events,
He was born on Tuesday. Once while bathing in the Ganges, he slipped from his mother’s leg and unfortunately his absence was not noticed. Luckily he fell into a farmer’s basket and was rescued. The day was Tuesday. 3. In the year 1940, he was arrested on a Tuesday. He was first made the minister in UP on a Tuesday. In the year 1947 again on Tuesday he was made the communication ministers in the central cabinet. On Tuesday in 1951 he was made the President of Congress. He was made the Railway minister on Tuesday in 1957. He became the Home minister on the year 1957. He became India’s Prime minister on a Tuesday. He received the Bharat Rathna award from Dr RadhaKrishnan on Tuesday. He signed the Tashkent agreement on Tuesday and he died on Tusesday (from Wisdom Magazine Jan 1987)
(Writer is a former Deputy General Manager, Bharat Heavy Electrical, India.)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

By Nagin J Jagada

1. One day I was answering one of my friend who asked me where you born.
I replied Gujarat..
My friend asked; oh! really, which part?
I replied; all of me, silly.

2. Myself and my American friend were walking outside.
My friend said " Oh look ! At this dead bird "
I looked towards sky and said," where? where?

3. One day I see lot of guys are running on the highway. I asked bystander as to why are the guys are running, what they are doing?
Bystander replied, " A Merathon race is going on.
I asked, " What do they get from that?
Bystander; The winner get the prize.
I asked, " Then why are the others running?

4.One day I rushed back angrily to the grocerry shop from where I had purchased a packet of butter a few minutes ago
"Where is my free gift?" I shouted at the shopkeeper.
"But Sir, there is no free gift on the purchase of butter." The shopkeeper answered politely.
"Don't fool me," I replied "it is clearly written on the packet of the butter 'Cholesterol free'".

5.One day I was at home and went to the kitchen, opened the Sugar bottle, peeped inside and closed it. my wife was seeing this. After some time I went to the kitchen, opened the Sugar Bottle, peeped inside and closed it. My wife again saw this. I did again and again the same thing. My wife was puzzled at why did I do something like this. So, she asked me, 'Why did you open the Sugar bottle, see inside and close it often?'
I replied, 'I am a Sugar Patient you know.... My doctor advised me to check up the Sugar often'.

6.One day I asked Nurse, I am very eager to know my blood group. Nurse: B positive
Myself: please tell me soon ...
Nurse: B positive
Myself: Madam, I am positive, but eager to know my blood group.

6.Q: Why did you take a pair of binoculars with him to a funeral?
A: It was a distant relative's funeral.

KEEP SMILING - One size fits all.

1. From right understanding, proceeds right thought

2. From right thought, proceeds right speech

3. From right speech, proceeds right action

4. From right action, proceeds right livelihood

5. From right livelhood, proceeds right efforts

6. From right efforts, proceeds right awarenes

7. From right awareness, proceeds right concentration

8. From right concentration, proceeds right wisdom

9. From right wisdom, proceeds libration from suffering

Bananas Containing three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined withfiber, a banana gives an instant, sustained andsubstantial boost of energy. Research has proventhat just two bananas provide enough energy fora strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder thebanana is the number one fruit with the world'sleading athletes. But energy isn't the only waya banana can help us keep fit. It can also helpovercome or prevent a substantial number ofillnesses and conditions, making it a must toadd to our daily diet. Depression: According to a recent survey undertaken by MINDamongst people suffering from depression, manyfelt much better after eating a banana. Thisis because bananas contain tryptophan, a type ofprotein that the body converts into serotonin,known to make you relax, improve your mood andgenerally make you feel happier. PMS: Forget the pills -- eat a banana. The vitamin B6it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.
Anemia: High in iron, bananas can stimulate theproduction of hemoglobin in the blood and sohelps in cases of anemia.
Blood Pressure: This unique tropical fruit is extremely high inpotassium yet low in salt, making it the perfectway to beat blood pressure. So much so, the USFood and Drug Administration has just allowedthe banana industry to make official claims forthe fruit's ability to reduce the risk of bloodpressure and stroke. Brain Power: 200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) schoolwere helped through their exams this year byeating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch ina bid to boost their brain power. Research hasshown that the potassium-packed fruit can assistlearning by making pupils more alert.
Constipation: High in fiber, including bananas in the diet canhelp restore normal bowel action, helping toovercome the problem without resorting tolaxatives.
Hangovers: One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover isto make a banana milkshake, sweetened withhoney. The banana calms the stomach and, with thehelp of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes andre-hydrates your system.
Heartburn: Bananas have a natural antacid effect in thebody, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eatinga banana for soothing relief.
Morning Sickness: Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keepblood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.
Mosquito bites: Before reaching for the insect bite cream, tryrubbing the affected area with the inside of abanana skin. Many people find it amazinglysuccessful at reducing swelling and irritation. Nerves: Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system.Overweight and at work? Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austriafound pressure at work leads to gorging oncomfort food like chocolate and chips. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found themost obese were more likely to be inhigh-pressure jobs. The report concluded that,to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need tocontrol our blood sugar levels by snacking onhigh carbohydrate foods every two hours to keeplevels steady.
Ulcers: The banana is used as the dietary food againstintestinal disorders because of its soft textureand smoothness. It is the only raw fruit thatcan be eaten without distress in over-chroniclercases. It also neutralizes over-acidity andreduces irritation by coating the lining of thestomach. Temperature control: Many other cultures see bananas as a "cooling"fruit that can lower both the physical andemotional temperature of expectant mothers. InThailand, for example, pregnant women eatbananas to ensure their baby is born with a cooltemperature.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Bananas can help SAD sufferers because theycontain the natural mood enhancer tryptophan. Smoking: Bananas can also help people trying to give upsmoking. The B6, B12 they contain, as well asthe potassium and magnesium found in them, helpthe body recover from the effects of nicotinewithdrawal.
Stress: Potassium is a vital mineral, which helpsnormalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to thebrain and regulates your body's water balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises,thereby reducing our potassium levels. These canbe rebalanced with the help of a high-potassiumbanana snack.
Strokes: According to research in "The New EnglandJournal of Medicine," eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death bystrokes by as much as 40%! So, a banana really is a natural remedy for manyills. When you compare it to an apple, it hasfour times the protein, twice the carbohydrates,three times the phosphorus, five times thevitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitaminsand minerals. It is also rich in potassium andis one of the best value foods around. So maybeits time to change that well-known phrase sothat we say, "A banana a day keeps the doctoraway!"--------
D)WHAT WE KNOW (Health Care hints for Blood Pressure)
1. Most common problem for which people go to
the doctors in the United States: HIGH BLOOD

2. Ideal blood pressure: 110/70 or less
(without medication)

3. Average blood pressure of vegetarians:

4. Average blood pressure of non-vegetarians:

5. Definition of high blood pressure: The top
number(systolic) is consistently over 140,or the
bottom number(diastolic) over 90,while the person
is at rest.

6. Incidence of high blood pressure in meat
eaters compared to vegetarians: Nearly triple

7. Incidence of very high blood pressure in
meat eaters compared to vegetarians: 13 times

8. Patients with high blood pressure who achive
substantial improvement by switchig to a
vegetarian diet: 30-75 percent.

9. What patients are typically told when
prescribed medications for high blood pressure:"
You'll probably need to take these for the rest
of your life"

10. Patients with high blood pressure who are
able to completely discontinue use of medications
after adopting a low-sodium,low-fat,high-fiber
vegetarian diet: 58 percent

11. Incidence of high blood pressure among
senior citizens in United States: More than 50

12. Incidence of high blood pressure among
senior citizens in countries eating traditional
low-fat plant based diets: Virtually none.

Is That So?

" Blood pressure fell within hours of starting
the (very low-fat vegan diet) Mcdougall program.
Twenty percent of the people were on blood
pressure medications the day they began the
program.In almost every case the medication were
stopped that day.Yet the blood pressure
dropped(significantly) by the second day. this
data is from over 1,000 participants at the
Mcdougall program at St.Helena Hospital in the
Napa Valley of California"
- John Mcdougall,M.D.
Sources;From the book "Food revolution" (How your
diet can help save your life and world)
By; john Robbins Author of Diet for New
I request you all to go this website for lot of
very useful information about health and food.
Almost everyone who has high stress and mental problems can benefit from meditation. 70-80% of people who have physical health problems can benefit from meditation. In this age, meditation is more important than medication. There is ongoing research on meditation and its effects being done in various places in India like Lonavala, Kurushetra, Delhi, Jaipur and Tirupati. Research results in Jaipur indicate that meditation has benefited 60% of diabetes cases, 30% of asthma cases, and 70% of patients suffering from diseases related to kidneys and intestines. So many people today are suffering from stress, hypertension and depression. In most cases, the root causes are quite small, but people tend to blow it out of proportion, which leads to more suffering. Through meditation, these causes can be minimized again. In order to be freed from worry, mankind today needs meditation more than medicines and doctors.

Meditation means the mind is completely free from thought and is in pure awareness. Thoughts are always ongoing; if not, then they cannot be alive. For mental purity, silence and meditation is required. Sleep can give the body some rest, but it gives little rest to the mind. Mental rest is not possible without meditation.

As most of the food we eat is non-essential to the body, similarly a majority of the thoughts are non-essential to the mind. Just like we must have some gap between meals, it is necessary to have some gap between thoughts. Many of the thoughts are harmful to us. As our physical health is adversely affected by junk food, similarly negative thought and over-thinking adversely affects our mental health, due to which we get short-tempered. Just like eating foods that aren’t very good or healthy easily becomes a habit, which basically means we are walking trash-bins; similarly thinking negative thoughts and over-thinking becomes a habit that causes our heads to be filled with trash too, thus leading to stress and depression.

Whether trash is in the body or in the head, we are not giving it up easily. Just like fasting is essential to the body, mental fasting is also required by the mind. This is known as meditation. Human beings are like icebergs. Only 1/6th of an iceberg is visible on the surface of the water while 84% of it is submerged. Similarly only 16% of our self is visible externally, while the rest is inside us. It is our misfortune that we are focusing on the part that is visible while ignoring the rest. We are spending a lot of money on illnesses pertaining to the body, and are not thinking of the core issues.

We have a duty to our body to take care of it and if we do not fulfill this we get sick. Similarly we have a duty to our mind and if we do not fulfill it, the mind also becomes sick. The instrument to take care of the mind is meditation. Here I’d like to mention the words of Bhagvan Buddha who says that health means freedom of physical and mental illnesses. He always said that he is a physician, not a philosopher. This is why Buddha gave us a wonderful path, he thought about how to purify the mind, not just at the surface level but deep inside at the root level.

Mental health means one should have the following:

One should be able to recover quickly from a problem
One should be able to know proper circumstances and know himself
Love in life, kindness to everybody and mercy
Capable of finding productive work and obtaining pleasure from it
Satisfaction of hunger, thirst and vasna without harming anybody
Good character

Why would anyone want to meditate?
We know how to go inside our hearts and minds for real to find out who we are
We learn that peace is inside us and how to find it
To strengthen the mind
Heighten our powers of concentration
Discover fresh resources of energy
Become more available to other people and useful to society
Learn a practical way of overcoming the storms and stress of our daily lives
Stop creating pain to ourselves and off-loading our distress onto others
Learn how to develop and share selfless love and compassion
Learn how to detoxify the mind, become more positive, less reactive, more understanding, more giving and less self-centered
Start to take control to enrich our lives, to change ourselves for the better

The Body operates by 10 principal components in two divisions :
Five Gnan Indriya – Organs of perception: Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue & Skin.
Five Karma Indriya – Organs of action: Hands, Feet, Organ of evacuation,
Organ of procreation and the Tongue -which plays a dual role of Speech and - intake for Food.

Interaction of the body takes place by Impetus / Information received by the
Five organs of perception VISION by Eyes, SOUND by Ears, SMELL by Nose TASTE by the Tongue and TOUCH by Skin.
All information is first received by the Mind which immediately gives the
command to the organs of Action. The Mind thus plays an important role
In the function of the body.
Process of information: When information is received by any one of the five organs of perception it goes into the chamber of PERCEPTION from where it is
Immediately transferred to the chamber of RECOGNITION where it compares the data with memory of the immense storehouse of the past. After recognizing
it goes into the chamber of EVALUATION for judgement. Finally into the chamber of ACTION.

GOOD HEALTH can be maintained by the co-ordination of a RE-ACTION FREE mind. Which is difficult but possible with the help of nature’s law of CAUSE & EFFECT . The habit pattern of the mind is enslaved between LIKE & DISLIKE, PLEASANT & UNPLEASANT, ( Priya / Apriya ) which scriptural term is Raag/Dwesha.
All the five organs of perception are continually reacting to either like or dislike, the habit pattern has to be changed.
Every reaction by the mind is a un-natural state of unhealthy body function which produces toxins and gets assimilated into the blood stream. With gradual
build up of toxins into the system the natural immune mechanism starts weakening down. The result of which malfunction of the vital organs of the
body starts manifesting.

The root cause of the problem lies in the deeper part of the mind, where the roots of negativity are flourishing and are directly connected to the chamber of
the mind, where they have a strong influence and their existence dependent
on reactions.

REMEDY - Eradicate the roots of negativity by depriving them of the feed, with the Help of natures law of CAUSE & EFFECT – remove the cause and there can be no effect.


(Writer and presentor is a positive thinker, and humorist.)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

1)Reflections of American life
By Jagdish Rustagi
Life longevity
In this segment, I would like to consider longevity. Whatever the motivation, everyone wants to live long. Recently I visited with friend who is ninety years old and is in good health. A few years ago he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and was given six months of life. In conversation at that time, he mentioned that he had writing projects to last six years and he wanted to live at least that long. Luckily he has been able to complete some projects so far and no body knows if he will be able to exceed his own expectation. To attain a long life is regarded somehow very welcome and we get blessing from elders “Aushmaan-May you live long”. We pray “Jeewaim Shardah Shatam-May I live for hundred years". After reading my autobiography in Hindi, my elder brother was very much pleased and gave me a blessing to live longer than him. He recently passed away at age 88 so if his blessings have any importance, I can expect to live at least that long.
In my understanding, prayers and blessings are capable of contributing very little to human longevity. Scientists have been studing the problem of aging for long time. Experiments on animals to understand aging and how to slow the aging process have been going on for quite some time. Last year, I enrolled in evening course at Stanford University on aging. The course was meant to discuss the causing of aging and how to stop or slow the process of aging. Except a few young students for whom it was required course, most of the attendees were retired persons. We discussed many scientific studies on animal starting from nematode worms to monkeys, most of the studies have definitely shown that fifty percent reduction in food caloric intake increases life span from 30 to 70 percent. That is, if you restrict diet of animal so that it contains half of the calories usually given, then the animal is likely to live much longer. It is quite simple to conduct experiments on food intake on animals, as you can have a control group and experimental group, which gets food with, reduced calories and thousands of studies have been done so far. On humans, however, the effect of caloric reduction in food, to increase life cannot be easily conducted,
Since to demonstrate the effect on elongation of life span take hundred years.
It is a sin to suggest that we reduce calories in our diet especially before the sumptuous lunch to be served here very soon and for which we are waiting so anxiously. The studies on humans have demonstrated, however caloric reduction in diet does reduce the incidence of age related diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer, Parkinson and heart diseases. A study, which followed up subject over a period of twenty years in Canada, has recently been published to verify such findings. It can be concluded on this basis that caloric reduction will also increase life span in humans.
In many eastern cultures, emphasis is placed on fasting and this may be a way of caloric reduction. Our customs provide various occasions for fast and with so many goodies available with fats and sugar, who like to forgo the delicacies in daily living. Sometime one wonders as to the use of long life if you cannot enjoy ordinary pleasures of life. A recent article in the journal of American association of retired persons (AARP) has proposed another method of “ good long life.” It is stress reduction and researchers at University of California, San Francisco, have given laboratory experiments, which provides reasons for stress reduction to increase life span at the cellular level. They have also given interviews of ten persons, from about a group of four million above the age of 85, asking them about the secret of their long life. Essentially, they have given ways of reducing stress since stress accelerates aging. Individuals have different ways of reducing stress; Among the many are the following given by the interviewees:
I Game of bridge
2 Music
3 Daily prayer
4 Daily exercise
5 Social work
6 Developing close friendship
7 Optimistic outlook
8 Humors
9 Work
10 Altruism-seeking welfare of others
It is no doubt the main stress reduction technique is keeping yourself busy in whatever activity you are interested. Of course we have examples here of people having good long life with interest in writing, publishing, photography, meditation, yoga, arts and crafts, volunteering etc. The final conclusion of this discourse is that to enjoy good long life, participate in activities of India community center and observe fast when you are not able to come here.
I remember a quote from Munshi Prem Chand's novel that forgetfulness is very useful. We all know that if we remember all our miseries and misfortunes, life will be impossible to live. We have to learn to forget. But with advanced age, various natural reasons lead to loss of memory. Parkinson and Alzheimer diseases are the curse of old age. It is estimated that 4.5 million people suffer from Alzheimer and about a million people have Parkinson in the United States.

Some time ago, my esteemed friend, Suresh Sharma ji reminded me to return his articles which he had given me for comments. I said that I had returned them already and actually I gave some lame excuse for him not remembering that I gave him the articles. I never thought that I had forgotten that the day I brought the articles to return to him, he did not attend Chajju ka Chaubara and consequently, I had taken them back. I was astonished to find these articles on my desk under a pile of papers. I tried to reconstruct the events and realized that my memory is not as sharp as it used to be. This was not serious matter as Sharmaji ignored the whole episode when I returned his articles. But suppose it was the sum of a thousand dollars which he loaned me. If my memory failed and I said that I had already paid it back when he inquired about the loan, not only that would have ended our friendship and his action
may have taken other forms.

We all experience some loss of memory with aging. It is recognized fact that with aging, we start forgetting names of people, dates of important appointment and recent events-like what we ate for breakfast this morning. Short term memory and remote memory are not affected by aging as shown by research at the Silberstein Aging and Dementia Research Center of the New Youk University School of Medicine. Right here in our Chaubara, there are persons like Arya Bhushan who can describe events in great detail even if they happened fifty years ago.

When you start losing recent memory like where you put your car keys, the onset of dementia may have taken place. Dementia is a group of brain disorders that causes memory loss and causes decline of mental functions over time. Alzheimer is one such disease. There is a 50% chance that an individual over 85 will get Alzheimer where damage to brain cell is widespread. It is only a neurologist or a geriatric psychiatrist who can diagnose the disease. We can do something to keep mentally healthy. They are given next.
1. Pay attention.
2. Have good nutrition and regular exercise.
3. Keep list of appointments.
4. Place important things at the same place like keys, glasses, wallet...
5. Repeat new names and commit them to memory.
6. Learn new things like memorizing sanskrit slokas.
7. Keep mind busy with intellectual games like bridge, go , and solving puzzles.

Do not worry if you forget names, places, routes, dates sometimes. Everyone is likely to do that--young or old.

(Writer was a professor at Ohio State University,Ohio USA.)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Articles By M L Swamy
1) "Beware!You are going to be a Centenarian"
One of the esteemed members of India Community Center, Sunnyvale, CA, Mrs. Pramila Desai suddenly accosted me a few days ago at the center. I happened to know her only recently, as a co passenger in the Outreach trips to ICC. I was surprised! She suddenly asked me “Mr. Swamy, I hear you are 80 years old. But I see you are keeping good health and fit and active and cheerful. I am only 74 years; but I am not that fit and active and cheerful. What is the secret?” I was taken aback. No one asked me like this before, at least in ICC. I grappled for an answer. I blabbered something. She heard. I don’t know how far she could make out and how much she was convinced with my reply. At that time luckily my wife, Mrs. Rangamani Swamy joined us. She answered. No! She was the answer. The topic changed and I was saved.

Am I really that healthy, that active? No. No. I had a heart attack as early as in 1984. I had a stroke in 2000. I had Angeoplastery done in 2004, when they had fixed 3 stunts and did 2 balloons. I have other ailments. Of course, in spite of these, I have been carrying on fairly well. Later, I was musing about the question of Mrs. Pramila Desai and this led me to my thinking deeply about the subject of “Longevity and Quality of Life” of men and women in general.

Going back to my childhood days, I have seen many children and young people dying like flies very early in life. Diseases like smallpox, typhoid, malaria, plague and others used to take a large toll of the lives. Though a few people lived upto 60 years and beyond, the average life span in India was only around 35 years. The age of retirement in Government was 55 years. Even from the age of 45 or 50, employees used to develop a mental attitude that they are already retired. They used to think that retirement is virtually their preliminary death. Very few people took pension and even if they took, it was not for too many years after retirement. I remember that as children, we used to think and treat people around 45 as old people. In fact, they looked like that! They behaved like that!

We, especially Indians, believe that the dates of our birth and death are already fixed by God, Almighty and nothing can be done about it. It is also the belief that our health and other factors are also fixed already by God. We also believe that all these things happen due to our own ‘karma’ in our earlier births. Of course, we also say that we should not keep quiet on this, but must continue to do our karma.

But things over the years have proved a little different and otherwise. People started living longer and healthily too. There are many factors governing the ‘Longevity and Quality of life’. Speaking of longevity, the average life span of people of the world has increased substantially over the decades. The average life span of people in US in year 2000 was 77.1 years. Even in our country, India, the average life span was 40 in the year 1950 and increased to 62.5 years by year 2000. This is mainly due to the meteoric advancement of our medical technology. There are now no deaths due to deceases like plague, cholera, typhoid, small pox, malaria and others, which used to take heavy tolls of life. We have now got medicines to take care of major diseases of heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and other parts of the body. Even organs like heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, eyes, etc. are being transplanted. Knees and shoulders are being replaced with artificial ones. Due to this advancement, the life span of men and women has increased substantially.

It is an admitted fact now, that more people are living longer. Thirty years ago people scarcely lived upto 70 years, especially in India, China and other countries. But that is changed now. People are now living much longer, very much longer. There are now many centenarians, who are living beyond 100 years. According to studies in the US there are approximately 10 centenarians per 100,000 people. Some surveys say that there are now 40,000 centenarians in US. The Census Bureau also predicted that USA would have 5.3 million people aged over 100 in the year 2100. Most western countries are similar to US. Astonishingly, in Dominica, a small Caribbean island, there are 23 centenarians in a total population of 71,500 i.e. about 32 per 100,000. In Okinawa, Japan, there are 34 centenarians per 100,000 people. So, the message is very very clear. You, I mean you, you and you, may have to live upto 100 years and beyond. Even if it is a little less, you have a long way to go. So, don’t be pessimistic and go on saying ‘my days are over.’ You have to plan for your years, many years ahead, to lead a healthy, happy and fruitful life, to serve yourself, your family, your society and your country. To be successful in this, you have to keep good health, good demeanor and good attitudes to yourself and others. In this endeavor of yours, you may take the experiences of others, who had lived or living very long and get inspiration from their lives.

Attaining long life is always good if one can have a good and healthy existence. Having to suffer through life is not the same as healthy living or good living. One study says “Most centenarians are in extraordinary health and shape, where they were energetic, youthful looking, lean and had very low rates of heart deceases and cancer.” Another research states that “Okinawa’s (Japan) elders, age 70 or greater and centenarians in particular, also seem to have experienced a slower age-related decline and markedly delayed or avoided entirely the chronic diseases of aging, such as Alzheimer’s disease”

In January 2006, Elizabeth Israel of a small Caribbean island of Dominica is the world’s oldest human at her age of 131 years. She ascribes her longevity to a simple life style, diet of natural foods, a diet of bush tea, hard work, loving families and strong belief in God.

Thornhill, a centenarian says "As long as God gives you life, do good all your day, so, wherever you go, it will follow you. It does not pay to do wrong. The good I have done in my young days, helped me to live longer than many of my family. When you do good, you will not be bogged down with an overactive mind of guilt and regrets, where your thoughts and emotions could trigger off bodily reactions, leading to stress, tension and depression, resulting in quicker aging and sickness.”

We in India have many senior seniors, who are very healthy and successful. Some of them have given the reasons of their success in having long lives:
1. Mr. Mohan Singh Oberoi, the great Hospitality king, who established a chain of Hotels around the world, at the age of 101, said “What actually keeps me going is the fact that my mind is always occupied. I am a firm believer in the fact that as long as you are mentally alert, you are healthy.”
2. Mr.Arun Shorie, father of Mr. Arun Jetley, at the age of 91 says “The secret of longevity is in my habit of looking at the lighter side of things. If a person tries to spend his life proving useful to others, his quality of life will automatically improve. If you spend all your time worrying about yourself, it will tell on your health.”
Creative people live longer than their peers. Strong interests and pursuits not only extend the life span but also enhance the quality of that extended period of life. This point is proved if you look at the lives of some of the great musicians and artists like Ustad Bismillah Khan (89), Mr. Naushad Ali (87), Pundit Ravi Shankar (72), Lata Mangeshkar (72), and Vaijayantimala Bali (70) and others. Even in our own India Community Center, we have our respected Arya Bhushan Ji, who has completed 87 years of healthy, active and fruitful life and is still going strong. He is young in mind and going strong day by day. I am sure he will be a centenarian and will be the first centenarian of our India Community Center, Sunnyvale, CA.

Some people say that our longevity depends on our heritage, our parents, grand parents and great grand parents. Scientists have recently discovered 10 genes that they believe may carry the secret of longevity. But facts reveal that the parents and grand parents of some of the centenarians did not live to be centenarians, but died at much younger ages.

Mere longevity and living to be a centenarian is no good. It will turn out into a curse. We cannot merely live long and suffer as a vegetables. Quality of life is equally and very, very important. We have to do all that is necessary to maintain good health and keep ourselves fit. We must develop proper attitudes to life. We have to lead lives without stress. Stress creates tension, anxiety and depression; and that is the root cause of all our illnesses. We have to love people and extend our love to all people, all animals and all living beings. Hatred is the root cause of our stress and downfall. As we live longer and longer, we will have more and more shocks in life like death of our close relatives, close friends and others. Simply because we are a centenarians, all our kith and kin and relatives and friends cannot be centenarians. Their life spans will be their own makings. So, we have to take all these incidents, as they come in their own stride. If we develop these attitudes and be actively active throughout, we will have healthy, fulfilling and rewarding lives and will be centenarians.

So, friends, our ends, yes, ends, are not close and near. We have a long, long way to go. So let us plan our lives and our ways of life properly and in a good way. We will all be centenarians, happy, good and useful centenarians! The message is very clear! Lead stress-less, purposeful, active, cheerful and healthy lives, taking things in their own stride, giving love and solace to everyone and not hating any one. You will be jewels in God’s creation! “Beware! You Are Going To Be A Centenarian”! Good Luck. Thank you.
2)Bush and the Congress
It was the year 1958. I was a young Executive Engineer, 33 years old, of the Godavari Head Works Division, at Dowlaishwaram, Andhra Pradesh. I was in charge of Godavari River, the third largest river in India, its Conservancy, a two mile long anicut across Godavari River at Dowlaiswaram, 300 miles of flood banks (levees) of the river and, a big workshop, catering the whole state of Andhra Pradesh and many others. It was one of the largest divisions of Irrigation Department of Government of Andhra Pradesh. For the execution of the major and urgent works in this division, I had to take important decisions on the spot and many times, which are beyond my powers. Mr. K.V. Srinivasa Rao, who was later Member of Central Water Commission and Chairman, Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Board, was then my Superintending Engineer at Dowlaiswaram. Whenever I took decisions, which are beyond my powers, I used to tell him and he used to approve them. All this used to be done orally and I was not writing to him and taking his written approvals. This was all done in good faith on both sides. After nearly three years, Mr. K.V. Srinivasa Rao was transferred and was posted to Central Water Commission, New Delhi, as Director. Just before leaving for Delhi, Mr. Srinivasa Rao called me and said "Swamy, all along you had been executing works and taking decisions, which are beyond your powers and I approved them orally. It is necessary that you take my written orders and ratifications now before I leave. Please bring all the drawings and letters for ratification to me before I leave. I will approve them and it will be good and safe for you". At that time, I was young and dashing. I told him "Sir, you already approved all of them, there may not be any need for your signatures now. You are in a hurry to go to Delhi. Why unnecessarily spend your time on this, Sir?" Mr. Srinivasarao insisted; and so I collected all the drawings and papers and took them to him. He took them one by one and signed all of them without seeing and without asking any questions. That was the confidence he had in me and my work. Incidentally, he was one of the three eminent engineers of the country, in whose names the Institution of Engineers (India) later instituted an Endowment Lecture "L.Venkatakrishna Ayyar, K.V. Srinivasa Rao and M.L. Swamy Endowment Lecture". Mr. Srinvasarao handed over charge to his successor, Mr. T.V. Krishna Rao and left for Delhi to take up his new assignment.
Mr.T.V. Krishna Rao was just then promoted and it was his first posting as Superintending Engineer. He was a very good and a very honest man too. But, he was not dynamic like Mr. Srinivasa Rao. He was very timid. He was a Doubting Thomas! He was afraid of taking any decisions, much less to give any written orders, lest he may get into trouble. He does not allow any works to progress. He was afraid of his own shadow!
A few weeks after he joined, I found that one of the works, which I had executed on an emergency basis earlier, was not put up to Mr. Srinivasa Rao for approval. I routinely sent it to the Office of the Superintending Engineer and it was put up to Mr.T.V. Krishna Rao by his office. He kept the file for quite some time. He used to read the file and put it back without any orders. This, he did a number of times. After that, one day he called me to his office and mentioned to me about this file. I explained to him about the work and the need for executing the work emergently, in view of the impending floods in the Godavari River. I also told him that it was done in Mr. Srinivasa Rao’s time and he knew about this work and he had approved it orally; but the file was not put up to him for written ratification. Mr. Krishna Rao turned the file a number of times up and down and finally asked me "Mr. Swamy, is the work really done?" I got a shock of my life! What was he talking? Does he think that money was paid to the contractors without executing the work? I was upset. I strongly told him "Sir, the work was inspected by me and Mr. Srinivasa Rao. The work is still there on the Godavari river flood bank. You can now inspect and see it yourself." He cooled down and asked me a number of times "Can I sign this file? Is there no risk? Can you assure me of that? and so on". I told him and assured him that the work was done and done successfully, it is safe to sign and there is no risk. Finally, after a number of dialogues, he signed the file and finally said "Mr. Swamy, I am signing the file! I am signing the file! I am signing the file! Now, I have signed the file." He finally signed the file. Then he said "I have signed the file! Now the entire responsibility is yours!" I did not know what to say, whether to laugh or to cry! It was one of the funniest experiences in my life!
I am reminded of this incident that happened nearly 5 decades ago, when I am reading equally funny news in US, about "The Iraq war controversy". President George W. Bush has pushed US into unwarranted war with Iraq, due to his own fancies and prejudices and telling all lies to the people of US about the existence of devastating chemical weapons of mass destruction and others in Iraq under the rule of Saddam Hussain. All these were later found to be wrong and false. More than 2,500 young American soldiers unnecessarily died so far in this war. Many more hundreds are waiting to die. Tens of thousands of Iraqis were killed. Hundreds are dying every day. There is now a civil war in Iraq. All the American people are against this war. Every one is blaming President George W. Bush for unnecessarily going to war without any provocation. US Congress is also blaming Bush for his hasty action in going to war and sacrificing valuable American lives and spending hundreds of Billions of Dollars of American money. Every one, including the members of Chejju ka Chowbara and India Community Center, think that Bush is a war-monger, liar and the culprit. Bush ratings have now come down miserably low.
I also thought Bush is wrong in going to war with Iraq and pursuing it; but not too long, much less now. I applied for Citizenship of US in November 2005. In early March 2006, I got a letter from the US Naturalization Service, asking me to appear for interview on 06 April 2006. It said, I have to appear for Civics and American History test. They have also given a model question paper, with answers. I was preparing for the interview and studying the 96 questions in Civics and History, with answers. One of the questions there, Question No.71, reads "What group has the power to declare War?" What is the answer given? Can you tell? The answer given in the paper is "The CONGRESS"! It is the Congress only that has the power to take America to go to war with any country. No other group or person in US has any powers, whatsoever, to approve or order to go to war with any country. So, Bush has not gone to war with Iraq all by himself. Has not the Congress given prior approval and stamp for US going to war with Iraq? Having approved this, why is Congress blaming Bush for going to war. Bush, as President, is only the Head of the Executive wing of America, the other two wings being Judicial and Legislative. Having given the approval, why is the Congress which is the Legislative wing of the Government, blaming the Executive, the President? Even now, if the Congress does not like to continue the war, they can give orders to the Executive, the President, to withdraw from Iraq and stop the war? This, the Congress has not done so far. It is not going to do it. Congress simply made Bush a scapegoat, when they found that all the people of US are against the war with Iraq.
When I think of this incident and US Congress, I am reminded of my old Boss, Mr.T.V. Krishna Rao at Dowlaiswaram. He had gone through the case thoroughly and a number of times and finally approved my action and signed the file. After that, he said "Swamy, I have approved the file. I have signed the file. Now you are responsible for this, you are entirely responsible for this!" Responsible for what? His signature? His approval?
US Congress appears to be no different! It has approved America going to war with Iraq. It has signed the orders. Bush, as Head of Executive Wing had only implemented the orders of Congress. But Congress is now saying that Bush is responsible, entirely responsible, for the Iraq war and its outcome! How strange! Has Mr. T.V. Krishna Rao gone up to the level of Congress! Or Congress has come down to the level of Mr. T.V. Krishna Rao! Why cannot the Congress raise up to the level of Mr.K.V. Srinivasa Rao and take full responsibility for the war? Only History will tell!
Thank you.
Hinduism like many other religions believes in the existence of God. We have Vedas, Upanishads, scriptures, puranas and others to establish the existence of God. The ultimate salvation or Moksha of Hindus is to see God and to become one with God. Many of our sages, saints, priests, pundits and others tell us about the glory of God and teach us ways, means and methods of seeing God and becoming one with God. But if you ask any of these sages, saints and others, whether they had seen God at any time, the answer will be ‘No’ an emphatic ‘No". But there are, in recent times, a few cases in which man has seen God! Surprisingly, the men that had seen God, the Hindu God, are not Hindus! They are men of other faiths. They are Muslims, following the faith of Islam! They had not seen the Muslim God "Allah". But they had seen the Hindu God! Of course, they had seen the God in their dreams; but it is materialistically proved that they had seen God!
Hyder Ali was a Muslim king in South India. He was a Muslim fanatic. He was known for destroying many Hindu temples in India. Once, he was told about the famous temple of Lord Venkateswara, (Balaji), at Tirumalai, Tirupathi, in Andhra Pradesh, India and about large number of Hindus worshipping at the temple. He got angry and determined to destroy the temple. He proceeded with his army to destroy the temple and enroute, he halted with his army for the night at Chandragiri, a place about 10 miles from Tirumalai, the place of the temple. In the night, Hyder Ali in his sleep got a dream. Lord Venkateswara in all his holiness, grandeur and kindness appeared before him in the dream and blessed him. Seeing Lord Venkateswara in all his viswarupam and grandeur, Hyder Ali was flabbergasted; no words came from his mouth. Immediately all his animosity for Hinduism, Hindus and the temple were erased from his mind. He got up from his sleep and immediately ordered halt to his army and the destruction of the temple. He immediately gave orders to make a big "Gangalam" of pure gold. "Gangalam" is a big cylindrical vessel with a spherical bottom and an open top, with two circular handles on the sides to lift it. Hyder Ali presented the Gangalam to the Temple of Lord Venkateswara, with a request to use it at the worship of the Lord at the temple. The temple authorities (Mahants) accepted it and started using the Gangalam for the pujas of the Lord in the sanctum sanctorum of the temple every day. Even today, it is being used every day at the sevas in the temple. It is called ‘Hyder Gangalam". I have personally seen the Hyder Gangalam in the sanctum sanctorum of the temple. So, a Muslim could see a Hindu God, whereas many Hindus had failed to see their own God! How strange! How benevolent is the LORD!
Another instance is in the case of Sri Rama Temple at Bhadrachalam in Andhra Pradesh, India. This is a part of Dandakaranya, where Lord Rama spent his exile of 14 years. Parnasala is a village about 20 miles from Bhadrachalam, on the banks of River Godavari, where Lord Rama had his parnasala, from where Sita was lifted away by Ravana. You can even now see that, for 30 miles or more, the hill ranges on the right of Godavari River are cut vertically in one line, like a geological fault. It is said that with the weight of Sita, the Pushpaka viman of Ravana could not lift high enough and the wheel of the Pushpaka viman had to cut the hill ranges for miles. Incidentally, I belong to that area. My grandfather was a landlord and liquor baron of that area in late 19th century and early 20th century. I also happened to work in that area and I went through these hills and forests.
The legend runs as follows. When Abul Hasan Tanishah, the last Kutub Shahi ruler, was reigning at Golconda, an unlettered tribal woman, by name Dammakka, was living in a hamlet near the hill of Bhadrachalam. She saw in her vision the images of Sri Rama, Sita and Lakshmana, lying in an unfrequented spot on the top of the hill. Next day, she and her daughter climbed up the hill and discovered the idols at the spot, which she had seen in her dream. Dammakka had a small Mantapa, with bamboos and leaves constructed on the top, for housing the idols. At that time, in a neighboring village called Nela-kondapalli, one Gopanna, who was the nephew and son-in-law of the King's Minister Akkanna, was living. Gopanna, with his friends, while going through the Bhadrachalam hills, came across Dammakka and the idols of Sri Rama, Sita and Lakshmana and appreciated and helped the efforts of Dammakka in protecting the idols.
Gopanna later was appointed as the Tahasildar of Bhadrachalam area. At that time, he visited the idols of Sri Rama again and decided to build a big temple for the idols. This he did with the help of the villagers and devotees around. Also, as Tahasildar, he is authorized to collect Taxes from the people and remit to Tanisha, the head under Golconda Nawabs at Hyderabad. Tanishah, the last of the Golconda Nawabs, came within the political purview of the Asaf Jahi dynasty, which ruled from Hyderabad. Gopanna collected the Taxes alright, but spent all the money collected for the construction of the temple for Sri Rama at Bhadrachalam. This news went to the notice of Tanisha. Gopanna was summoned to Hyderabad and was imprisoned for 12 years in the Hyderabad Jails, undergoing rigorous and tortuous imprisonment. During his imprisonment, he was praying to Lord Rama and also sang a number of songs in praise of Lord Rama. Lord Rama was pleased with Gopanna. One night, when Tanisha was sleeping, Lord Rama and Lakshmana appeared in the dream of Tanisha. They told him to release Gopanna. Also they gave him Six lacks of Moharis, which Gopanna had used from the treasury money for the construction of the temple at Bhadrachalam. And then Lord Rama and Lakshmana disappeared. Tanisha got up from his sleep and was amazed at the dream. When he looked at the floor, he saw a huge heap of money coins lying on the floor, equivalent to the money spent by Gopanna for the construction of the temple. Tanisha immediately realized his mistake and ordered the immediate release of Gopanna from jail. He was requested to go back to Bhadrachalam and complete the balance construction of the temple. He was also given the money for the construction! He also allowed Gopanna to mint gold coins, popularly known as 'Rama-tangi', in the same shape in which Lord Ramachandra showered the coins before him. Gopanna was later called Bhaktha Rama Dass. He had written and sung a number of Telugu kritis in praise of Lord Rama and Sita. These songs are all house hold songs in the homes of all Telugu speaking people. He was thus a mystic, who had become saturated with the Lord's name and had lost himself in the contemplation of the Lord. Bhaktha Rama Doss is revered as a great saint of recent times in Andhra Pradesh.
The Nizam of Hyderabad from then on, sends a large quantity of valuable pearls to the Bhadrachalam temple every year at the time of "Sri Rama Navami", on which day the "Sita Rama Kalyanam" is celebrated with all grandeur. Devotees from all over India and abroad, come to this festival. The valuable pearls sent by Nawab of Nizam are used as "Talambralu" at the Kalyanam of the Lord and are distributed to the devotees. Thus, Bhadrachalam has a unique feature, where the sanctity and sacredness of the place have been increased by the mixture of tradition and history. This is perhaps the solitary and unique instance of Muslim patronage of a Hindu temple. Even now, after the rule of Nizam ceased, the successor Government of Andhra Pradesh sends these valuable pearls and also some money to the temple at the time of Sri Rama Navami every year. The Chief Minister or a representative of the government will be present at these sevas and the celebrations!
Again here, it is to be noted that Lord Rama, a Hindu God, had given darshan to Tanisha, a Muslim, who believed in Islam! How strange! How nice! How I wish Allah, the Muslim God, gives Darshan to me and Blesses me!
BY M.L. Swamy
“ Om bhur bhuvah swah
Tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dheemahi
Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat ”

This Gāyatrī Mantra is a highly revered Mantra, based on a Vedic Sanskrit verse from a hymn of the Rigveda (3.62.10), attributed to Maharishi Viśvāmitra. The mantra is named for its vedic gāyatrī metre. As the verse invokes the deva Savitur, it is also called Sāvitrī. Its recitation is traditionally preceded by OM and the formula bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ, is known as the mahāvyāhṛti ("great utterance")

The Gayatri Mantra is repeated and cited very widely in vedic literature and praised in several well-known classical Hindu texts such as Manusmriti, Harivamsa, and the Bhagavad Gita. The mantra is an important part of upanayanam ceremony for young males in Hinduism, and has long been recited by Brahmin males as part of their daily rituals. In the later 19th century, Hindu reform movements extended the chanting of the Gayatri Mantra beyond caste and gender limitations. In 1898, Swami Vivekananda began initiating non-Brahmins with the sacred thread ceremony and the Gayatri Mantra. He based this on the interpretations of the Vedas and Bhagavad Gita that Brahmin status is earned and not hereditary. The Arya Samaj notably spread the teaching that recitation of the mantra was not limited to males, but that women could rightfully be taught both the Vedas and the Gayatri Mantra. In his writings, S. Radhakrishnan encouraged the teaching of Gayatri mantra to men and women of all castes.
There are Notable paraphrases or free translations of Gayatri Mantra, given by many eminent personalities:
Sir William Jones:
"Let us adore the supremacy of that divine sun, the god-head, who illuminates all, who recreates all, from whom all proceed, to whom all must return, whom we invoke to direct our understandings aright in our progress toward his holy seat."
Swami Vivekananda:
"We meditate on the glory of that Being, who has produced this universe; may He enlighten our minds.”
Sir S. Radhakrishnan:
1."We meditate on the effulgent glory of the divine Light; may He inspire our understanding.
2."We meditate on the adorable glory of the radiant sun; may He inspire our intelligence.
Arya Samaj:
"O God ! Giver of life, Remover of all pain and sorrows, Bestower of happiness, the Creator of the Universe, Thou art most luminous, adorable and destroyer of sins. We meditate upon thee. May thou inspire, enlighten and guide our intellect in the right direction.
Brahmo Samaj:
"We meditate on the worshipable power and glory of Him, who has created the earth, the nether world and the heavens (i.e. the universe), and who directs our understanding.

Gayatri mantra has been bestowed the greatest importance in Vedic dharma. This mantra has also been termed as Savitri and Ved-Mata, the mother of the Vedas.
Let us now go to the Scientific meaning of Gayatri Mantra. The Mantra reads as:
Om bhur bhuvah swah
Tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dheemahi
Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat
The literal meaning of the mantra is:
“O God! You are Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Almighty. You are all Light. You are all Knowledge and Bliss. You are Destroyer of fear. You are Creator of this Universe. You are the Greatest of all. We bow and meditate upon your light. You guide our intellect in the right direction.”

The mantra, however, has a great scientific importance too, which somehow got lost in the literary tradition. The modern astrophysics and astronomy tell us that our Galaxy called Milky Way or Akash-Ganga contains approximately 100,000 millions of stars. Each star is like our sun having its own planetary system. We know that the moon moves round the earth and the earth moves round the sun along with the moon. All planets go round the sun. Each of the above bodies revolves round at its own axis as well. Our sun along with its family takes one round of the galactic center in 22.5 crore years. Like our galaxy, there are approximately another 100,000 million galaxies in our universe. All galaxies including ours are moving away at a terrific velocity of 20,000 miles per second. There may also be many, many universes like ours.

And now let us go to the alternative scientific meaning of the mantra step by step:

Bhur the earth, bhuvah the planets (solar family), swah the Galaxy. We observe that when an ordinary fan with a speed of 900 RPM (rotations per minute) moves, it makes some noise. Then, one can imagine, what great noise would be created when the galaxies move with a speed of 20,000 miles per second. This is what this portion of the mantra explains, that the sound produced due to the fast-moving earth, planets and galaxies is Om. The sound was heard during meditation by Maharshi Vishvamitra, who mentioned it to his other colleagues. All of them, then unanimously decided to call this sound Om, the name of God, because this sound is available in all the three periods of time (bhuta, varthamana, bhavishyat) and hence it is set (permanent). Therefore, it was the first ever revolutionary idea to identify formless God with a specific title (form) called upadhi. Until that time, everybody recognized God as formless and nobody was prepared to accept this new idea. In the Gita also, it is said, "Omiti ekaksharam brahma", meaning that the name of the Supreme is Om, which contains only one syllable. This sound Om, heard during Samadhi, was called by all the seers ‘nada-brahma’, a very great noise; but not a noise that is normally heard beyond a specific amplitude and limits of decibels suited to human hearing. Hence the rishis called this sound Udgith musical sound of the above, (i.e.) heaven. They also noticed that the infinite mass of galaxies moving with a velocity of 20,000 miles/second was generating a kinetic energy = 1/2 MV2 and this was balancing the total energy consumption of the cosmos. Hence they named it Pranavah, which means the body (vapu) or store house of energy (prana).

Tat that (God), savitur the sun (star), varenyam worthy of bowing or respect. Once the form of a person along with the name is known to us, we may locate the specific person. Hence the two titles (upadhi) provide the solid ground to identify the formless God, Maharshi Vishvamitra suggested. He told us that we could know (realize) the unknowable formless God through the known factors, viz., sound Om and light of suns (stars). A mathematician can solve an equation x2+y2=16; if x=2; then y can be known as 6 and so on. An engineer can measure the width of a river even by standing at the riverbank just by drawing a triangle. So was the scientific method suggested by Maharshi Vishvamitra in the mantra in the next portion, as under:

Bhargo the light, devasya of the deity, dheemahi we should meditate. The rishi instructs us to meditate upon the available form (light of suns) to discover the formless Creator (God). Also, he wants us to do japa of the word Om (this is understood in the Mantra). This is how the sage wants us to proceed, but there is a great problem to realize it, as the human mind is so shaky and restless that without the grace of the Supreme (Brahma) it cannot be controlled. Hence Maharshi Vishvamitra suggests the way to pray Him as under:

Dhiyo (intellect), yo (who), nah (we all), prachodayat (guide to right Direction). O God! Deploy our intellect on the right path.

The full scientific interpretation of the Mantra is:
The earth (bhur), the planets (bhuvah), and the galaxies (swah) are moving at a very great velocity and the sound produced is Om, (the name of formless God.) That God (tat), who manifests Himself in the form of light of suns (savitur), is worthy of bowing/respect (varenyam). We all, therefore, should meditate (dheemahi) upon the light (bhargo) of that deity (devasya) and also do chanting of Om. May He (yo) guide in right direction (prachodayat) our (nah) intellect dhiyo.

So, we notice that the important points hinted in the mantra are:-
1) The total kinetic energy generated by the movement of galaxies acts as an umbrella and balances the total energy consumption of the cosmos. Hence it was named as the Pranavah (body of energy). This is equal to 1/2 mv2 (Mass of galaxies x velocity2)
2) Realizing the great importance of the syllable OM, the other later date religions adopted this word with a slight change in accent, viz., Amen and Ameen.

(Writer is a Former Chief Engineer of Andhra Pradesh State, India and former World Bank Consultant.)

Saturday, February 11, 2006



I am a writer/poet with several books at my credit.I am having several other activities including Community work. You may refer my other links as under
1)""(Regarding my litarary work etc)
2)""(Founder Hon. Chairman of NRI Parent Association, Ahmedabad)
3)""(Regarding 'Current Events' program coordinated by me at India Community Center,Sunnyvale,California,
4)""(Regarding my Poems on International Library of Poetry-You may click thereon Poet name Bharat Desai.)

Friday, February 10, 2006

By Bharat Desai
What is a religion? It is a belief or a way of life. In other word it is a way to reach very near to God. It does not teach hatred, jealousy, vindictiveness and bitterness.
It is we human being who creates all type of complication to put forward our Agenda.
Therefore it is very much necessary to go deep into various religions of the world in order to find out' What they are preaching to the mankind.'
The 'Hadith' of Islam says 'Paradise will be occupied by those who love one another, those who sit together for God's sake, those who visit one another for God's sake.'These clearly give the message of love and fellowship.
In Christianity Saint 'John' said ' Those who say I love God and hate their brothers or sisters are liar'. "What it is?" It is a message of love and brotherhood.
In' Judaism' Leviticus has said' You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against any of your people but shall love your neighbor as yourself.' Here the message goes further that you shall love your neighbor more then yourself.
The great Epic of 'Buddhisalva' in Buddhism gives following Message' our act of pure love in saving life is greater then spending the whole of One's time in religious offering to the Gods'. It means you may be religious but if you do not have love for a life of fellowmen then that ritual have no meaning.
In Hinduism there is Message that you can love a good person very easily but if you love to all including Bad, then only you can claim to be Good person. There is wellknown traditional story. ' One Sadhu who goes on rescuing the scorpion inspite of his bites. When somebody asked the Sadhu' Why do you keep rescuing the scorpion when its gratitude is to bite you? The Sadhu replied 'It is a nature of scorpion to bite and it is a nature of Sadhu to help others when they can.' Here there is clear message to love even bad persons and to help them if necessary.
The greatest philosopher Confucian's says
"If there is a righteous in the heart,
There will be beauty in character.
If there is a beauty in character,
There will be harmony in home.
If there is a harmony in home,
There will be an order in the nation.
If there is a order in the nation,
There will be peace in the world."
What is righteous for human being? It is love for each other. The messages of all religions and saint thereof are very clear. However if there is a terrorism, violence, and wars are going on any where in the world that is due to of loss of finner thing of life i.e. "Love".
Therefore religions are not be blamed for the mess, which is created in this world.
2)Sardar Patel
Sardar Patel can be compared with the great German Hiro Bismarck and the great Indian politician Chanakya because Bismarck integrated the divided Germany and Chanakya is considered to be the master politician of 350 BC- 275 BC who assisted to establish the great Indian Empire of Chandragupta Maurya.
Sardar was very Popular, Strong, Intelligent, and foresighted, leader with high character. However very few people knows that he was very human. The some of the historians also believed that he was communal which was reflected in recently published article in India. It has created lot of heart burning among his admirers.
It is better to substantiate with example that he was not communal and had never discriminated between Hindus and Muslims.
In this connection we may recollect the few incidence of Sardar with Muslims. One of his close associates Narendrasinh Mahida who was a Minister in Indian Government, had described few incidents of Sardar with the Muslims.
He said once Begum of Sachin State near Surat was financially in trouble and she requested Sardar for help. Sardar immediately gave her RS 25000/- from his personal fund. His secretary wanted to recover the said amount from Begum when privy purses of the Indian native rulers were signed. Sardar stopped him doing so, telling that it was my help to my sister. It is not fair to take back money given to sister. However Sachin’s Nawab family was very grateful.
The Three Muslim Nawabs of Junagadh, Mangrol and Manvadar in Gujarat wanted to join with Pakistan and they have to leave their states against the popular will. Every one expected that Sardar will not allow them to leave but Sardar issued order to allow them to leave to Pakistan. Incidentally Junagadha Nawab left for Pakistan by private plan leaving his Begum and Daughter due to unavoidable circumstances. Sardar made special arrangement to send them Karachi safely. In view of above it can be seen that he was not communal.
Besides that he was patriotic leader. Once more then 500 members of both the houses of parliament passed resolution to appoint Sardar as primeminister by removing Panadit Nehru. They asked the time of Sardar for the meeting. He gave them time of 5pm in the evening to meet. Meanwhile he went to Nehru. Nehru was surprised. He gave him the letter of MP’s and told him that ‘He will talk to them to retrace their steps.’
Sardar reminded the MP’s the promised, which he had given to Gandhiji that he will always work with Nehru in his lifetime. He further told them if they do not support Nehru then he would also go with Nehru. He torned the letter of support before them and they were all disheartened. However Sardar appeal them to unite in the interest of the country. He took promise from them to take the country at the height. Any one can so a leader who will deny the primeministership when there is support of majority members of parliament?
He was against reservation but he wanted reservation for economically backward communities. Therefore he saw that some of the economically backward communities were also included in the reservation.
He had also foresight like Chanakya and expected 1962 chines attack on India well before and warned Pundit Nehru in advance.
Sardar Patel always thought of national interest leaving the petty things like cast, communalism, and sectarian feelings. He was a leader with analytical mind and quick decision. He was never driven by circumstances but he always droves over them. It proves he was human but strong leader with high character.
(This article was presented in 'Chhajjuka Chaubara' on 14th June 06)