Chhajjuka Chaubara of Bharat Desai

In Hindi Chaubara is a place where people of village discuss the various subjects and chhajjus represents those people. However here all learned people are dicussing the important topics of the world in form of creative writing. I have given herein group photo of few members of 'Chhajjuka Chaubara.'

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The killer of Happiness and Success
By Shankuntala Bahadur
Every one seeks happiness from time to time. We all experience agitation, irritation, frustration and disharmony. When we suffer from these miseries, we do not keep them to ourselves only but often distribute them to others as well. Some one who is miserable affects the whole atmosphere and thus brings unhappiness to all. Anger is the main cause of this unhappiness or bitterness.
When unwanted things happen, we feel tension within, then reaction is anger. Anger is supposed to be the evil of mind or the impure thought, which spoil our mental peace. Wrath is a flame, which burns all our virtues. Even our Rishi Durvasa and Parashuram are condemned as their anger cursed the life of shakuntala and the great warrior Karana respectively. Anger is the obstruction in the process of sadhana. That is why it is said that ‘one who desires to attain glory or prosperity, should abandon these six evils. Anger is one of them, which must be abandoned.
Intolerant nature with arrogance is the abode of anger. A short-tempered person becomes angry very easily.
Arrogance wants to dominate over others. We do not want to listen others opinion, even if they are logical.
Whatever I say or do is only correct, others view and actions are incorrect or wrong. We do not want to admit our shortcomings, but if other fail to show respect to us, we are instantly thrown into a fit of fury. So we have to change our mental attitude, self-assertive nature, then and then only we can get rid of our anger. We are advised to eradicate anger by practice of cheerfulness, tolerance, vigilant introspection and keeping the mind fully occupied, then only we will be able to attain peace and happiness. In Manusmruti absence of anger is supposed to be necessary for attaining sadhana.
Actually one should try to understand others, before expecting others to understand him. When there is a clash of selfish motives, a terrible fit of anger shatters all the cordial relations and physical nerves system as well. It may subside in a short time but the vibration or waves continue to stay for days and weeks in the astral body, damaging considerably. i.e. anger first arises in our mind, then expressed through harsh and insulting speech, which reacts undesirable actions. Anger harms even others and us too. Later when anger has passed, we start crying and repenting, begging pardon from this or that person or from God. But next time in similar circumstances, we again repeat all process. So this continual repenting does not help at all. The Constant repentance is the waste of energy. The lame excuses bring humiliation every time and the angry person spoil self image in the society. Hence looses all the respect and popularity. We can control our mind and thought through yoga.
In Gita Lord Krishna says ‘If the mind dwell upon the external world, then attachment to worldly things is generated. From this attachment desire or passion is produced. If desire is unfulfilled, anger is generated. Anger or revulsion results in ignorance and from ignorance comes loss of vision, from loss of vision comes loss of wisdom i.e. the discrimination between good and bad is also destroyed. Finally from loss of wisdom one is fully lost /ruined. All the wars and destruction’s are the true examples of this process. The Anger due to attachment forced Duryodhan for battle of Mahabharat. The arrogance towards Jews of angry Hitler gave birth to second world war.
Inspite of all these instances it is also said that only at times anger or within limit is also beneficial and necessary.
Once Draupadi said to Yudhishthir ‘ A man who is devoid of anger at proper time, neither his enemies are afraid of him, nor he is respected by his friends.’
We must remember to conquer our anger through yoga. Then only we can say like i.e. Let good thoughts come to us from all directions or Lets pray ‘ May our mind be full of Good thoughts.
(Writer is very learned and a deep thinker )


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