Chhajjuka Chaubara of Bharat Desai

In Hindi Chaubara is a place where people of village discuss the various subjects and chhajjus represents those people. However here all learned people are dicussing the important topics of the world in form of creative writing. I have given herein group photo of few members of 'Chhajjuka Chaubara.'

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

1)The New Year be a year of Joy and Jubilation
Let the old year depart with grace
The New Year coming with a new face
The global economy moving with a fast pace
Our India is very much in the race

Let us pledge to give up hatred and greed
And not allow any nation to bleed
We should make efforts to remove hunger with speed
And set examples with good deed

Let us make new resolution
And efforts to make new contribution
For pushing technological innovation
And help grow green revolution

Let the New Year of new aspirations
Use your will to make new determinations
And may the New Year fulfill all your ambitions
So that the New Year may be a year of joy and jubilation.
2)Change the world
The world around us is materialistic and happiness is measured in terms of luxuries that emanate from materials one possesses. It really is okay to have fun, be happy and develop a sense of humour or, at the very least encourage it in others. In America happiness is exhibited in Easter parades, musical comedies, Fourth of July, songs you could actually sing, Christmas and then New Years Eve, St paddys day and Halloween and several other events. In India we celebrate with exuberance many occasions including holi, dewali, dussera or poonja and pongal.
However it is really hard to live the present moment, cherish lifes daily blessings, or make hopeful plans for the future when everything and everyone around us is predicting doom and gloom, apparently, global warming is about to inundate us with rising waters, there is a gaping hole in the ozone layer, a devastating earthquake is overdue, the flu epidemic is close by the starving due to over population, already in the east, will soon overtake the west. There is no end in sight to war in Iraq and Israeli/Palestinian conflict seeirresolvableble. The democratic governments, both in India and USA seem seriously flawed.
Democracy, as we know, is being redefined as socialism. Oil has become the cocaine of the modern world and media seems intent on making us all suicidal as they delightedly report all the worlds natural and unnatural disasters. As if this is not enough, we have reached or about to reach the average lifespan age, which means that we don't have much longer to live-I cannot hope to experience the predicted devastation that awaits us.
Further it is not a hidden fact that there are so many alcoholics, drug addicts and people in need of psychiatrists. However there are organizations established to take care of these people. Such people do not need sympathy but correct direction. Too much sympathy does not make up for self-reliance or happiness. In short the world is in great tension and to this must be added our day-to-day hypertensions of life.
In view of the mounting depression due to the tensions and hypertensions, it's hard to feel happy to day without feeling some guilt because others may be suffering while we are cheerily and uncaringly rejoicing in our happiness. There is a looming possibility that we witness a parade of protesters in our front yard, should we dare to celebrate a holiday that may somehow be offensive to others. How can we afford to sit idle in our ivory tower and not want to change the world.
So whatever has happened or is likely to around the world, its time for us to take the initiative to make our own happiness, instead of waiting around for someone else to make it for us. The government dies not promise happiness for any one of us; it only gives us the right to pursue happiness. Happiness comes from within. Clearly, the happier and more positive we are as a person, the more happiness we will receive in return. Happiness begets happiness. It is contagious like courtesy. We should create a culture of be happy and let others be happy. Accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative from the self. Pure happiness should be our goal and greatest gift, both to us and to others. This is the best way we could probably, change the world.
(Poet is a good writer in English and Hindi.)


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